Lung cancer - the first symptoms

This cancer develops in both sexes over 50 years of age, and its main cause is the inhalation of carcinogenic products. Among the provoking factors - smoking, poor ecology, work features. The first symptoms of lung cancer often go unnoticed, which is why the disease is found in the late stages. However, with timely diagnosis, the chances of favorable treatment results increase.

The earliest symptoms of lung cancer

Usually the disease is diagnosed on routine examinations and X-ray examination. Due to the multiplicity of manifestations of the disease, it is impossible to diagnose complaints alone. Moreover, it is very difficult for the patient to detect the presence of the disease in himself. You do not have to rely on yourself in case of a malaise, but to visit a doctor who, after careful examination, will be able to make a verdict.

The cause for concern and treatment is the following disorders, which are the first signs of lung cancer that occurs at an early stage.

One of the main symptoms needed to diagnose cancer is a cough. It is important to describe it in as detailed a way as possible to enable the physician to analyze in detail. At the first stages, the cough is dry or wet, and its frequency does not depend on the time of day. Dry can change to wet and vice versa.

It is dangerous if the cough abruptly stops due to the suppression of the reflex. This phenomenon speaks of intoxication.

It is necessary to pay attention to such an important symptom as hemoptysis. This feature is a distinctive feature of the oncology that has begun. At the same time, the quantity and color of the blood being isolated is different in different situations. It depends on the stage of the disease and the characteristics of the tumor formation. Hemoptysis in some cases indicates the development of tuberculosis .

Another characteristic symptom is retrosternal pain. Its appearance indicates the onset of tumor proliferation into the pleura. Such a symptom may be absent in most patients, because of which the diagnosis worsens.

Often only when there is an impurity of blood in the sputum, many patients go to the doctor. However, this sign can talk about the advanced stage of the disease.

The development of oncology is evidenced not only by the appearance of a cough. The disease is accompanied by the following list of ailments:

In addition, in the initial stages, signs of lung cancer are accompanied by the following first symptoms:

Independently to try to define the diagnosis should not be. It is better to describe your condition to a specialist as accurately as possible.

Symptoms of the development of the first stage of lung cancer

The disease in the first stage is characterized by mild signs. Therefore, for a long time it passes unnoticed. The reason for going to the doctor is fatigue and fatigue, which last for many months.

At this stage, the tumor has not yet reached a large size, but lymph nodes are already involved in the pathological process. In this case, two types are distinguished: