How to rinse the stomach?

No matter how careful the parents of their child, but still there are times when something is not going according to plan. Such cases include food, chemical and medicinal poisonings of the child. Let's figure out how to properly wash the stomach at home. After all, the correct and timely conduct of this procedure can sometimes even save lives.

Than to wash out a stomach at a poisoning?

Variants of a solution for gastric lavage in children are several.

  1. How to rinse the stomach with potassium permanganate? Prepare a solution of potassium permanganate in a pale pink color. Filter through several layers of gauze, or through paper - no matter how well you do not stir it, all the crystals of potassium permanganate still do not dissolve. Unpaired grains can lead to a burn of the mucosa of the esophagus or stomach.
  2. Mortar with kitchen salt. Mix 3 tablespoons with 6-10 liters of warm water. Salt will provoke a narrowing of the outlet from the stomach and prevent the ingestion of toxins and poison from the stomach into the intestines.
  3. In pharmacies, you can buy a special isotonic sodium chloride solution.
  4. The most famous and effective solution contains activated carbon. 6-10 tablets rastoloch in powder and mix with water.
  5. Solution with enterosorbents such as enterosgel or polysorbent (2% suspension), which are sold at the pharmacy. 1 teaspoon of the drug diluted in 100 ml of water.

By diluting the gastric lavage fluid, do not forget that the water should be heated to 35-37 °, this will slow the progress of toxic substances through the body.

How much fluid is needed to flush the stomach to the baby?

The entire liquid must be divided into several methods. Each treatment should end with the cleaning of the stomach.

The technique of gastric lavage in children

How do I wash my baby's stomach? It is best to start this procedure when the poisoned person is in a sitting position. Cover the child's chest with an oilcloth and a towel and let him drink a warm solution prepared beforehand. After that you can Put the child across the bed, so that the head hangs down. Do not forget to substitute a basin for vomit. By the way, do not throw it out before the doctors arrive! Stick your finger in the child's mouth to the base of the tongue and gently stir it, thereby causing a vomitive reflex.

In this way, you need to wash your stomach until almost pure water runs out of the child. In the end, always let him rinse his mouth with clean boiled water.

Having done these simple procedures, you will protect your child from possible unwanted complications.