Inhalation with soda

Inhalation with soda is good because it directly affects the mucous membrane. Therefore it is not surprising that in recent years soda has become increasingly popular as a medicinal product. Next, consider how effective inhalation with soda for colds.

Help with coughing

Inhalation can alleviate a person's condition with any cough. Inhalation with soda can have a positive effect with dry, wet and even allergic cough.

There are two types of procedure:

Guide to action

So, let's see how to do soda inhalation. The most economical option is steam inhalation with soda with the help of a kettle.

In order for the process to proceed more comfortably, we construct a tube of thick paper. We take the tube in the mouth. This allows healing couples to penetrate directly into the throat.

To make a soda solution, you just need to dissolve half a teaspoon of soda in 200 ml of water.

There are also some rules for inhalation with a cough. Here they are:

  1. Inhalation is carried out approximately 1.5 hours after meals.
  2. Take care that nothing is hampered by the neck and does not interfere with free breathing.
  3. After the procedure, refrain from eating and talking for at least an hour.
  4. Do not under any circumstances carry out the procedure with boiling water. This can damage the mucous membrane.
  5. Do not inhale with increased body temperature, above 37.5 degrees.

In which cases is this method effective?

Soda is a very versatile product. He is able to alleviate a person's condition with various kinds of ailments. For example, inhalation with bronchitis and soda is very effective. Many doctors recommend that patients alternate this procedure, using medicinal herbs, then soda or salt.

No less useful are inhalations with soda in the common cold. During the procedure, you should breathe alternately, then nose, then mouth. The recipe for the solution is slightly different from the similar recipe used for coughing. In this case, you need to dilute 5 tablespoons of soda in one liter of water.

Inhalations with soda with laryngitis can alleviate the condition of the patient. Such therapy is well tolerated and gives a quick effect. Also, experts believe that alkaline inhalations are effective in laryngitis when other expectorants do not help. Do not spend more than eight minutes. The solution is made, as with a cough, that is, 0.5 teaspoon of soda is dissolved in a glass of warm water.

By the way, it is interesting that instead of soda, you can also use concentrated alkaline mineral water, such as Essentuki or Borjomi.

It is most effective to carry out inhalations several times a day.

Precautionary measures

If we understand the chemical composition of soda, we find that there is nothing dangerous in it. Therefore, inhalation with soda is a completely safe kind of procedure. It can be used as a child, both pregnant and lactating.

Please note that children under one year of warm-moist inhalation. This means that the temperature of the solution should not exceed 30 degrees Celsius. Also, refrain from the procedure if the child has a fever.

If you can not maintain a constant water temperature, you can add boiling water to the solution tank and mix. For children, the procedure should not last more than three minutes. Do inhalation should be a maximum of 2 times a day. And in any case, report your intentions to the doctor, perhaps he will appoint something else.