Violation of posture in children - causes, types and correction of curvature of the spine

The position of the human body is regulated unconsciously, this occurs at the level of reflexes. The habitual vertical posture is called posture, its main function is the correct distribution of the load on the musculoskeletal system, ensuring the balance of muscles. A good correction additionally prevents the development of various disorders.

Formation of posture

For maintaining the body in a vertical position, the spine and back muscles meet. Human posture depends mainly on hereditary factors and genetic characteristics, but its formation can be influenced by external conditions. Strengthening of the muscular structures occurs in infancy, when the child first pulls on the handles, learns to sit and stand.

As the posture grows, children can be subjected to disabilities, so parents should closely monitor the child's bearing and correct it (if necessary) by:

How to check the child's posture?

The organism of each person is individual, but the structure of the spine should meet certain criteria. There is an easy way how to check the posture of children yourself, without special equipment. At home, you will only need a flat wall with no skirting or a direct door frame. Testing will take about 10-15 minutes.

Good posture

You can evaluate the child's bearing by using the following methods:

  1. Consider a standing baby in the back. Beautiful posture is characterized by the symmetry of the blades, gluteal folds, waist bends.
  2. Look at the child from the side. The thorax should be slightly elevated, and the pelvis and buttocks are withdrawn slightly back, legs are straightened.
  3. Ask the baby to bend down, without bending his knees, to lower his hands down. The child should reach with the tips of his fingers to the floor.
  4. Check the alignment against a level wall or doorway. The correct child's posture is when the nape of the neck, buttocks and heels are pressed to the surface. This situation should not cause discomfort or special efforts.

Wrong posture

By performing the tests described above, it is possible to pre-identify signs of curvature of the spine in children. With a careful examination of the child, they are noticeable even visually. Violation of posture in children is characterized by such features:

Causes of posture disorder

There are innate and acquired factors provoking the problem in question. The first group includes the following reasons:

Acquired violation of posture in children occurs against the background of such pathologies as:

The child stoops - what should I do?

Parents should pay attention to the slightest signs of curvature of the spine. The formation of correct posture occurs in children for several years. By the age of 20, the bends of the spinal column are almost impossible to correct with conservative methods, so it is important to immediately register with a specialist for violation of the correction.

The child stoops - to which doctor to go?

Determine the degree and form of the disease of the musculoskeletal system, prescribe the correct therapy, only a qualified doctor can. First you need to find out which doctor heals the curvature of the spine in children in the nearest clinic. Experts of 3 profiles advise on the issue described:

After a thorough diagnosis, the doctor will prescribe an individual course of treatment that includes:

Exercises in the curvature of the spine in children

Straightening of a posture always assumes regular performance of special gymnastics. It is aimed at strengthening the muscles of the back, stretching them and increasing the elasticity. Exercises for posture for children:

  1. Lying on the floor, it's good to stretch.
  2. Press your heels against each other, bend your knees. At the same time, put your hands apart and pull your feet up to your buttocks.
  3. Bend your legs in your lap, pull your hands behind your head. Both feet put on the floor. Alternately raise your straightened legs, trying to touch your knee to your chest.
  4. Accept the previous home position. At the same time, straight up your straight legs.
  5. Sit on the floor in a lotus position. Keeping his hands on the shins, gently drop back and "ride" on the rounded back.
  6. Lie down, hands spread apart. Legs, slightly bent at the knees, tossed from one side to the other.
  7. Crawl, pressing his stomach to the floor. Alternately push off the left and right foot.
  8. Do the exercise "boat".
  9. To wring several times.
  10. Sit on the floor with the support of the knees. Hands - at the waist. Rise and sit down, touching the buttocks to the heels.
  11. Stand on all fours. Alternately raise the straight arms and legs from opposite sides (left arm, right leg and vice versa).
  12. Make the exercise "kitty."
  13. On the floor with the support of the knees "fall" then to the left, then to the right.

Massage with curvature of the spine in children

This method of treatment is prescribed by a doctor and performed only by a professional. Manual posture correction helps to strengthen muscles, normalize blood circulation, reduce pain syndrome and straighten the spine. It is important that the manipulations are carried out correctly, short courses, so it is better to immediately turn to an experienced masseur. Independent attempts at therapy will provoke an additional violation of posture in children. Incorrect manual effects can worsen the pathology and lead to complications.

Preventive maintenance of infringements of a posture

If the child stoops, it is always the fault of adults who did not keep up with the formation of the child's corrective from an early age.

For the prevention of curvature of the spine and the development of proper posture, it is necessary to follow simple recommendations

  1. Provide the child with rational nutrition and a daily routine.
  2. Spend time with walks and active games.
  3. Do not put or drop babies too early.
  4. To equip the school place in accordance with the age and proportions of the child's body, acquire a suitable table, a chair for posture.
  5. Take care of the good illumination of places where the kid reads, writes and draws.
  6. It is convenient to organize a bedroom, buy an orthopedic mattress.
  7. Constantly monitor the position of the child's body, gently remind him of the need to straighten, especially if there is a violation of posture in the growing up children.
  8. In case of detection of curvature, immediately consult a specialist.