Colposcopy - is it painful?

Colposcopy is a study of the cervix using a special optical colposcope device. During the examination, also, the vaginal walls are inspected. In our article, we will examine the diagnostic value of colposcopy, the features of the preparation and the technique of conducting.

What is colposcopy for?

The colposcopy procedure is used to assess the condition of the cervical mucosa and early detection of its pathology, such as:

During colposcopy, you can make a smear and a biopsy of suspicious mucosa.

How to prepare for colposcopy?

Before colposcopy, as well as before any gynecological examination, it is necessary to prepare. For this you need:

Colposcopy technique

Allocate a simple and advanced colposcopy. A simple colposcopy does not carry a high diagnostic value. Extended colposcopy involves a number of tests and the use of medications. The procedure itself is completely safe and painless, so colposcopy has no contraindications.

During advanced colposcopy, the following samples are taken:

A set of instruments for colposcopy includes: an endocervical mirror, a tissue holder, a curette, a sidewall lifter and biopsy forceps.

Sensations of a woman and the consequences of colposcopy

Many women are interested in the question: "Is it painful to do colposcopy?". Most women do not experience pain, but only minor discomfort. If during the advanced colposcopy the cervical uteri is biopsied by the mucosa, it hurts.

To the question: "How long does colposcopy last?", One can not give an unambiguous answer. The duration of the procedure depends on the doctor's experience, the quality of the colposcope and the diagnostic finding (the need for a biopsy). On average, the procedure takes 20-30 minutes.

After an extended colposcopy, within 2-3 days, there may be brown discharge. Do not be scared, this indicates the allocation of residues of iodine, which was used for the Schiller test.

In rare cases, colposcopy can provoke such consequences:

Colposcopy is not recommended in the first 8 weeks after childbirth, and also if the patient has an allergy to iodine.

Thus, we examined the indications, contraindications, technique and possible complications of colposcopy. As you can see, this procedure is practically harmless and very rarely gives complications, therefore, if necessary, it can be carried out quite often. Together with this, it has a high diagnostic value.