How to determine the sex of a child without ultrasound?

Here you have a long-awaited event: in your hands you keep a pregnancy test with treasured stripes. Happiness just sweeps from the inside, and you carefully try to hug your, as yet flat belly. Ahead you have such interesting and exciting 8 months, each of which is remembered than something your: the first toxicosis, the first ultrasound, the first stirring. Mom and Dad, there are many questions on which it is possible to receive an exact answer to 100% only after the birth of a crumb. But how to determine the sex of the child without ultrasound and what methods there are, we will try to understand this article.

What do our grandmothers say?

From ancient times, ancestors tried to unravel the mystery of nature about the sex of the child. Long ago, when women were preparing for childbirth without ultrasound, our grandmothers knew how to determine the sex of the unborn child and what color the dowry should be prepared for future parents.

There are many signs on this topic:

What does the ancient Chinese teach?

This method of determining the sex of a child more than 700 years. It was he who was given preference to couples of ancient China, planning or, if conception has already happened, determining the sex of the child. Below is a table where you can also find data about your future baby. In it there is nothing complicated: vertically - the age of the mother at conception, horizontally - the month in which the baby is conceived.

What can the Rh factor tell?

I would like to dwell on one more method, as well as to understand whether it is possible to determine the sex of a child without ultrasound, only by which Rh factor of its parents. In this method, too, there is nothing complicated. Below is a table in which the Rhesus factor of the mother and the horizontal of the father are shown vertically.

When was ovulation?

But, perhaps, the only method, how to most accurately determine the sex of a child without ultrasound - is if you know when you had ovulation and intimacy. The doctors proved that if the sexual act was several days before ovulation, then the girls are born , and if during or immediately after it, the boys. This is due to the fact that spermatozoa containing the XX chromosome (female) are slow but more tenacious, and those containing the XY chromosome (male) are very fast, but less adapted to life in the body of a woman. This method gives an accuracy of up to 80%.

Determine the sex of twins without ultrasound can be the same as described above. There are no specially developed techniques for twins. The only thing that I want to note is that if you have identical twins, then the gender of the kids will be the same, and if they are raznoyaytsevye, then 50 to 50.

So, how to determine the sex of a baby without ultrasound, the question is very ambiguous. Someone is studying the ancient Chinese tables, someone remembers the date of ovulation, and someone simply rejoices at the quick birth of their child and remembers the proverb: "Whom God will give, that will be." Remember, regardless of whether you have a boy or a girl, the baby is waiting for you to care and love.