Alexandra Edelberg

A hairdresser of international class, world champion in hairdressing, a judge of the Russian Union of Hairdressers, a make-up artist, a stylist, a manicurist, all these ranks belong to a young talented girl, Alexandra Edelberg, whose biography as a master of hairdressing began in Bratsk.

Biography of Alexandra Edelberg

Alexandra studied in the center of professional training "Millennium" in the city of Bratsk. She graduated with a degree in hairdresser-stylist. At the festival "Golden Scissors" in 2005, Alexandra Edelberg won the nomination "Hairstyle from long hair without the use of pins, clusters and clamps." In 2009, Alexandra became the champion of Moscow, and then the champion of Russia in the hairdresser's art. She continued her studies in England, Spain and Germany. The title of the bronze champion of Europe in the field of hairdressing art, Alexander received in 2010. In the same year, Edelberg won the World Cup, which was held in Paris. In 2009 and 2011 was a member of the international team of stylists of the Eurovision Song Contest. Alexandra Edelberg collaborated with foreign hairdressers known in the field of hairdressing, including Nicky Clark, the barber of Her Majesty the Queen of Great Britain.

Alexandra today

Alexandra Edelberg, whose photos are posted in the most famous professional magazines Coiffure, Shape, Dolores, L'Etoile, Officiel, OK !, is now the leading stylist of the Schwarzkopf Academy, creates images for the stars domestic show business, nominated for the RHDA award "Hairdresser of the Year" in 2012. Alexandra conducts seminars, trainings, master classes designed for those who create images and styles, and collects full halls throughout Russia. Topics of the seminars: "Chemical wave", "Hair care", "Staining Blond", "Trichology", "Hairstyles from long hair".

The stylist constantly takes part in the "Russian Fashion Week". Alexandra Edelberg creates hairstyles, photos of which are decorated with domestic fashion magazines.

In his video lessons Alexandra Edelberg demonstrates hairstyles, gives detailed recommendations and reveals the secrets of creating a variety of images: styling and hairstyles for special occasions, everyday, for hair of any length, weaving braid and braids, etc. Video lessons are very popular among her colleagues and those who want to learn how to make hairstyles on their own.

Own style and fashion trends

Alexandra is a fan of her business. In her asset more than 50 certificates on the completion of various courses in the field of hairdressing, stylistics, make-up, manicure, etc. According to Alexandra, one of the most important conditions for success is comprehensive education, the desire to grow in your profession and constantly move forward.

Own style of Alexandra Edelberg - golden curls, high heels and Hollywood smile. In the image, she always, even when she holds master classes and seminars. Alexander advises everyone to develop their own individual style and in any situation to remain in the image.

According to Alexandra, long hair and hairstyles on their basis will never go out of fashion: beautifully laid curls, waves (in the style of Merlin Monroe), large, voluminous curls, all kinds of braids. These hairstyles always look feminine and beautiful.