How to brew beer at home?

This recipe is the closest to the classic and, despite the long cooking process, it is worth trying, ultimately pleased with a delicious live beer. But still, before you make beer at home, well read the recommendations and the list of necessary equipment, since any deviation from the recipe can lead to the collapse of the whole undertaking.

For brewing dishes are needed either enameled, but without chipping, since on the chips the water will react with the metal and oxidize it, or use a saucepan made of stainless steel. Aluminum tanks are not suitable for brewing processes. Also, before you make home-made beer, you need to find the following items and dishes, you will definitely need two 35 liter pots, a thermometer for constant monitoring of water temperature, a malt and strainer gauze, a glass container with a hydraulic seal for fermentation, glass bottles with bottles for bottling in them and a silicone thin hose about a meter and a half.

How to cook beer at home from malt?



So, before cooking, pour boiling water on all the dishes that you are going to use, and carefully wash your hands to the elbows, if possible, even wipe them with alcohol or vodka. Since without doing this you can infect future beer with wild yeast, present everywhere and get a simple brew for distilling into moonshine . Pour in a saucepan of 25 liters of water, which naturally should be cleaned drinking. Turn the heating on and bring it to 80 degrees, then dip the crushed malt into the gauze bag into it and close the lid, the temperature must be maintained from 65 to 72 degrees for one and a half hours. In this process, malt gives sugar to water making the beer must be sweet and this sugar is important in that it is easily fermented. Raise the temperature again by 80 degrees and after holding for about 5 minutes take out the malt and rinse it well all the way in the bag, also dropping the remaining 7 liters of cold water. And then pour it into a saucepan with not just water, but beer wort.

Now increase the heat and bring to a boil, then pour 1/3 hops, do not lower the temperature, the water should boil intensely for about half an hour, then add another 1/3 of the hops and another 50 minutes of boiling, then add the remaining third of the hops and in a quarter of an hour turn off the heating .

For the next procedure, you will need a saucepan of the same size, since after switching off the heating the beer must be cooled quickly and the faster it is, the less risk is it of infecting it with wild yeast. You can also use a chiller from a copper tube, but this is only if it is available. And if not, then collect cold water into the tub, if possible put ice there and put a saucepan with a wort in it, and next to an empty pan and pour four times from one to another through gauze. In general, for cooling, you should leave no more than half an hour, this is a very important process, so it's better to be in time in 20 minutes.

Now dilute the yeast, pour it into the wort and mix it thoroughly, then pour all into the fermentation tanks, without forgetting to install the sealed valve, bought in the store or made with your own hand. The fermentation tank with the future beer should be in a dark place with a temperature of 18 to 22 degrees. After 6-12 hours you will see intense fermentation through the bubbles in the septum, it will last about 3 days. And all the beer should last 8-10 days, you can determine the readiness in the absence of bubbles in the septum for at least 24 hours.

Now prepare the bottles in order to pour the beer into them, they also need to be sterile. In them, pour sugar on the basis of the volume, for each liter of beer, 8 grams of sugar. Spill by using a silicone thin hose, taking the liquid from above so that the sediment does not get into the bottles. Fill the bottles not to the top, leaving about 2 centimeters. Bottle the bottles and also leave them in a dark place, but now the temperature is 20-23 degrees. After a week, the bottles should be shaken periodically, and all the time you need 2-3 weeks from the time of bottling. After that, they can already be opened and drunk, and the rest can be taken to the refrigerator or cellar.