Belching with air causes

This phenomenon, like eructation, in most cases is not a pathology and is considered a physiological condition. It is associated with the release of excess gas from the stomach and esophagus, often accompanied by a loud sound and a sharp smell of eaten food. In other situations, it is necessary to carefully investigate why there is a belching of air - the cause of this symptom lies in the diseases of the gastrointestinal tract or the disruption of the work of individual organs.

Causes of frequent belching of air

In healthy people, the condition in question occurs not so rarely, and in medicine it is called aerophagia. You just need to pay attention to some habits and aspects of nutrition, if the eructation of air is constantly observed - the reasons can be as follows:

  1. Long and frequent conversations during meals.
  2. Overeating, especially after 40 years. At this age, enzyme production decreases, and the body's ability to digest the entire volume of incoming food.
  3. The use of chewing gum, which provokes a change in the rhythm of the work of the stomach.
  4. Eating while walking or at an accelerated pace. Haste promotes the ingestion of large amounts of air.
  5. Physical stress immediately after eating. An eructation arises from the deterioration of the peristalsis of the digestive system.
  6. The second half of pregnancy (the uterus presses on the diaphragm from below, causing the described symptom).
  7. Use of soda water or similar beverages.

As a rule, the above reasons provoke eructation with air without a smell and accompanying unpleasant sensations in the form of pain, nausea, sour taste in the mouth. Eliminate aerophagia in such situations simply, enough to observe the culture and diet, adjust the size of portions.

Causes and treatment of a strong belching of air

There are various types of the clinical phenomenon under consideration. Often it is accompanied by an acidic, bilious taste, putrefactive odor, discomfort in the esophagus region (burning sensation), pain or nausea. Sometimes the symptom is manifested even without eating.

Causes of belching by air on an empty stomach:

  1. Congenital anatomical pathology of the structure of organs. The most common among them - the inflection and narrowing of the lumen of the stomach, esophageal hernia.
  2. Malignant tumors of the gastrointestinal tract. Neoplasms disrupt the functioning of the entire system, and also interfere with normal digestion and digestion of food.
  3. Infection with parasites, such as lamblia, toxocars and ascarids.
  4. Psychosis, depression.
  5. Vegetosovascular dystonia .
  6. Neurosis of the stomach.
  7. Diseases of the vascular system and heart, for example, pulmonary embolism, ischemia, myocardial infarction.

The causes of belching and nausea, as well as other accompanying unpleasant sensations:

  1. Pancreatitis and duodenitis . Inflammatory processes in the area of ​​the duodenum and pancreas lead to the fact that these organs produce insufficient amounts of enzymes. As a result, not all the amount of food consumed is digested, or a certain type of substance (proteins, carbohydrates or fats) is not digested.
  2. Diseases of the stomach, especially the increase in the concentration of hydrochloric acid, decreased or increased acidity of juice, disruption of peristalsis, inflammatory ulcerous processes on the mucosa and walls of the stomach, inadequate acid production.
  3. Gastroesophageal reflux. This pathology is characterized by throwing semi-digested food into the stomach, and then into the esophagus from the 12 duodenum.
  4. Disturbance of bacterial balance in the lumen of the small and large intestine. Due to the decrease in the amount of useful microflora, the intensity of assimilation of nutrients and nutrients decreases.
  5. Diseases of the gallbladder and liver, associated with both increased and decreased production of bile.

The main tactic of treatment is the observance of the prescribed diet. If necessary, medicinal products are prescribed, phytopreparations.