Acanthamoebic keratitis

Each doctor who prescribes wearing a lens to a patient recommends that they be taken off while taking a shower or bathing in any pond. The fact is that microorganisms live in the liquid, one of which are acanthamoebas, which cause infection of the eyes - keratitis. This ailment is dangerous because it poses a serious threat to the organs of vision and is difficult to treat. In most cases, this disease is associated with the wearing of lenses.

Symptoms of the disease

The first manifestation of the disease is reddening of the eyes, as well as painful sensations even after removal of contact lenses. In addition, the sensitivity to bright light increases, there is a slight blurriness. Sometimes there is a feeling of a foreign body that interferes with the normal functioning of the organs of vision.

When these symptoms appear, you should immediately go to a specialist who can find acanthamoeba in the eye. It is important to remember that the doctor will not be able to pinpoint the disease right away, since such a symptomatology occurs in a large number of other ailments.

In most cases, the diagnosis is made when it is already clear that the antibiotics used to treat other diseases do not work for the infection. That is why most often in determining this ailment, one has to transplant the cornea.

Treatment of Acanthamoebic Keratitis

An important role in the treatment procedure is the etiology of keratitis. Mostly, eye drops are used that contain antibacterial and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory components. The complex uses drugs that dilate the pupil, which prevents the appearance of adhesions within the organs of vision. Glucocorticosteroid , keratoprotective and epithelial medications are also prescribed.

In the case of severe form, antibiotics are prescribed as well as antiviral drugs.

How long does anatamephalic keratitis take?

The whole process of treatment depends on the stage, etiology and area of ​​the lesion. If the favorable scenario develops, the recovery procedure lasts from two weeks to several months. In addition, there are options when the disease forces you to make a corneal transplant.

Complications can also begin when the infection penetrates deep. This leads to the formation of new, more dangerous ailments.

In medical practice, there have been cases where microorganisms in just a few hours completely damaged the cornea and other components of the eye, which led to his death.