Inflammation of the duodenum

Between the stomach and the small intestine there is an intermediate department, which is often exposed to bacterial infection. As a result, duodenitis or inflammation of the duodenum develops. This disease is rarely found as an independent pathology, as a rule, it occurs against the background of cholecystitis, pancreatitis, gastritis, colitis and other disorders of the digestive system.

Causes and symptoms of inflammation of the duodenum

In addition to the aforementioned diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, the pathology considered contributes to the defeat:

The symptomatology of duodenitis is different, in some patients it is clearly expressed, whereas in others the inflammatory processes proceed sluggishly.

Symptoms of the disease:

Traditional treatment of inflammation of the duodenum

Depending on the diseases that provoked duodenitis, a corresponding diet is prescribed, which must be strictly adhered to.

Also, the treatment regimen for the inflammatory process includes:

Exact appointments are made by the gastroenterologist after establishing the causes and pathogens of duodenitis.

Treatment of inflammation of the duodenal ulcer with folk remedies

Alternative therapy does not help get rid of the disease itself, but it can effectively reduce the severity of its manifestations.

Phytotherapists advise to drink freshly squeezed juices when unpleasant symptoms of duodenitis are present:

It is also useful to take: