Orange color in psychology

Psychology of orange color is rather ambiguous. Despite the seemingly simple at first glance combination of two fire components of the color spectrum (red and yellow), this shade can cause extremely conflicting emotions in people with different types of temperament. Choleric people , for example, usually perceive him "with a bang!" While phlegmatic and melancholic people often irritate him.

Simple brightness

As you know, fire generates fire, and this expression is the best way to determine the color of orange. Two shades of flame (aggressive red and radiant yellow) in the mixture give a boiling life, but at the same time, a fairly even combination, which can raise the mood and improve vitality. However, the orange color in psychology refers to shades that do not have depth (for example, unlike blue or green). The color of an orange is directed exclusively to the outside world, it is not focused on itself and as a consequence, it is usually chosen by the lungs, not particularly concerned with the meaning of life and with questions of self-knowledge.

Many may object, but what about Buddhism? After all, all the adherents of this religion, who for life, and who periodically, but in one way or another, put on just this color. The fact is that in this great confession, the orange, originally meant a deliberate departure from luxury and wealth and equating ourselves to the lower strata of society, which by law was ordered to wear a garment of this color. And only centuries later it became associated with higher spheres of consciousness.

When everything is gray and boring

The choice of orange in clothes is explained by psychology by the desire to move away from problems, to sink, at least for a time, into a world of simplicity and childlike carelessness, where everything is easy and bright. In this warm shade there is no complexity, it charges with positive and optimism and they are surrounded by people who are trying to forget about troubles at work or in private life. Often they just hide behind the brightness of this flame, skilfully masking their pain.

It is known that at different periods of our life we ​​prefer different colors and this is quite understandable. We have a wide range of emotions and sensations, and if at some stage of life someone suddenly starts to like the orange color, the meaning of which in psychology can be interpreted as a "non-burning flame," it only says that this person wants to get rid of feelings of inner loneliness and a lack of understanding on the part of relatives, he dreams of a warm family nest or a meeting with a kindred spirit, communication with which would bring him a sense of psychological comfort. Life seems to him gray and boring, it lacks emotional richness and lightness and, therefore, he tries to compensate for this monotonous monotony with bright orange elements in clothes or in the interior.

But one way or another, orange, has always been perceived by most people as a color of energy and vitality, feeding the tired mind and making up the brightness of sensations. He has a unique ability to cheer up , even during a crisis, and this, you will agree, is a valuable enough and important aspect.