Allergic skin reaction

One of the manifestations of an allergy is a rash on the skin, and its nature may be different. It is worth noting that the same substance causes completely different allergic reactions to the skin of different people. In general, physicians managed to classify the rashes into three subgroups, which will be discussed below.

Types of allergic reactions

Skin manifestations of the allergy are felt in the form:

An allergic reaction to the type of urticaria appears within a few minutes after the allergen enters the body, because the disease is regarded as acute. Such a rash is a pale pink blisters and papules that slightly rise above the upper layer of the epidermis, it itch and become invisible when pressed.

Elements of the rash are in diameter from a couple of millimeters to several tens of centimeters.

Another type of acute allergic reaction to the skin is toxidermia, which arises from the penetration of an allergen of a chemical nature (drugs, food) through the mouth, intramuscularly, intravenously, vaginally, subcutaneously, urethral or inhaling the tiniest particles of the drug.

On the skin appear:

It may be other elements that cause itching, except for thicks and bumps.

Chronic allergic reactions on the skin

Contact atopic dermatitis is manifested only by direct exposure to the skin from the outside. If the first contact with the allergen caused reddening and a rash, then next time a similar reaction can not be avoided.

In general, the symptoms are quite different. In open areas of the skin may appear:

A person experiences itching and burning in places of irritation. Such an effect on the body is typical for household chemicals and other synthetic substances.

Allergic reaction to an insect bite

On the bite of wasps, bees and other insects, the reaction is normal, local and allergic. In the first case, the place where the sting was, slightly swollen and blushes. With a local reaction, edema is significant, but in itself passes in a few days.

But the allergy to a bite of an insect is accompanied by:

Hives appear outside the sting site. In this case, immediately call an ambulance: even ten minutes is enough for the development of shock.

Prevention of acute allergic reactions to insect bites is the processing of garbage containers with sprays from wasps, the installation of mosquito nets on windows. Such people are not advised to walk alone in nature. It is useful to carry with you a set of urgent care, the main means in which is epinephrine.