Nodules on the thyroid gland - causes, symptoms, treatment

The thyroid gland is responsible for the production of iodine and the hormonal background of a person as a whole. Nodules on the thyroid gland, the causes, symptoms and types of treatment described below, are a fairly common problem in this body.

The causes of the appearance of nodules on the thyroid gland

Nodules on the thyroid gland are rounded neoplasms that appear among healthy tissues. They can have a dense consistency or contain an internal liquid.

Such nodules of the thyroid gland may appear in those who are exposed to radiation or radiation exposure. In the risk zone are also people working in hazardous conditions in industrial plants. The most common causes of such manifestations are:

Symptoms and Diagnosis of Disease

Symptomatic of the appearance of nodules in the thyroid gland, the causes of which are already known, depends on the type and nature of education, as well as on its location. Most often, the smallest nodules do not show themselves and do not affect a person's well-being. When the nodule begins to grow and progress, it can be accompanied by:

Nodules on the thyroid gland, the symptoms of which are clearly expressed, are subject to treatment.

Types of nodes

The nodes are divided into benign and malignant. Determine the nature of education can be through ultrasound. Classify them as follows:

Methods of treatment

Depending on the size of education, its nature and results the doctor prescribes the treatment. It can be:

Folk remedies can also be used, but only with the approval of the treating doctor and when combining them with traditional medicine methods.

Nodules on the thyroid gland at the initial stage are quite harmless and do not bring discomfort education. However, if nothing is done, they can grow and lead to quite sad consequences, requiring surgical intervention.