Chest bruise

The bruise of the chest on the left or on the right is a rather common type of injury that occurs as a result of domestic, industrial, sports and other factors. With pressure on the chest, it deforms with a traumatic skin, hypodermis, muscles, and the movement of the ribs toward the lungs and pleura. A severe bruise of this localization can have serious consequences due to damage to internal tissues and organs or a fracture of the bones and spine.

Symptoms of a chest injury

The main manifestations of contusion of the chest are:

In severe cases, there may be consequences of a chest injury with such signs:

Diagnosis with a chest injury

For the statement of the exact diagnosis it is required:

Through radiography, you can not only determine the integrity of the ribs, sternum and spine, but also to recognize hemothorax, pneumothorax and subcutaneous emphysema.

First aid with a chest injury

To avoid possible displacement of the ribs as a result of a chest injury and relief of the condition of the victim immediately after injury:

  1. The patient should ensure peace and immobilization. To do this, you can use any tissue of sufficient size and tie it over the site of the injury around the chest. The immobilizing dressing should be tightened tightly enough, and the knot should be tied to the opposite side of the injury site.
  2. It is recommended that the injured person take a semi-sitting position.
  3. In the place of injury it is desirable to apply cold (ice pack, snow, etc.) to reduce swelling and hemorrhage.
  4. With a strong pain syndrome, you can take an anesthetic drug.

How to treat a bruised chest?

Because of the high risk of complications, treatment begins as early as possible, mainly in a hospital in the first stage. With mild to moderate chest contusions, treatment may be limited to the use of local anti-inflammatory, analgesic and thrombolytic drugs (often in the form of ointments).

In more severe cases, surgical intervention is possible. For example, if a lung injury is recommended, a puncture pleural cavity for the removal of blood and infiltrative fluid. Also, it may be necessary to surgically remove blood clots, to sew damaged blood vessels.

If the rib is broken to prevent post-traumatic pneumonia, the following are prescribed: