Allergy to dust - symptoms

Conducted social surveys in the field of health care show that more than half of the world's population suffers from an allergy to various types of dust. Despite this prevalence of the disease and many ways to deal with it, it is not possible to solve the problem to the end, and it often leads to serious complications.

Allergy to house dust - symptoms and causes

Dust consists of microscopic particles of the most diverse origin:

The last component is living microorganisms, which are ticks. They feed on dead cells of the epidermis, live in rooms with people, located in bed linen, pillows, mattresses and carpets. Therefore, during cleaning, the allergy to dust is most often manifested - the symptoms appear as a reaction to ingestion during the inhalation of the products of the vital activity of saprophytes.

Sensitivity to microscopic mites is not at all, but even so dust particles damage the alveolar walls and violate the barrier of immunity.

Signs of allergy to household dust:

  1. Conjunctivitis. It is characterized by tearing, itching and burning sensation in the eyes, reddening of the proteins, puffiness of the eyelids;
  2. Rhinitis. It begins with an uncomfortable tickling in the nasal cavity, eventually turns into a non-stop sneezing. Clear mucus is allocated, there is a strong headache;
  3. Asthma. Because of the reaction of the immune system to the allergen, the airways become inflamed and covered with thick protective mucus. Muscles contract, blocking normal air access. First there is a dry, painful cough that continues with severe shortness of breath, a feeling of squeezing in the chest, heaviness, trouble breathing.

Allergy to building dust - symptoms

Just like home, building dust is a multicomponent mixture of microparticles. In this case, it also includes chemicals, which makes it very difficult to identify the specific cause of the disease.

How is the allergy to dust of construction origin manifested:

Prolonged and constant contact with the allergen leads to chronic intoxication of the body and development of bronchial asthma.

Allergy to paper dust - symptoms

No less common is the allergy to book dust. The above-described pliers are often found in old books, especially if they are exposed to humidity for a long time in unventilated rooms and direct sunlight. Dead saprophytes are much more harmful than living ones, because the decomposition of their organisms produces a mass of toxic substances and dangerous compounds.

The main signs of allergies in this situation are a runny nose that does not pass for a long time, frequent and prolonged sneezing attacks, eye irritation. With increased sensitivity to paper dust, a severe form of the disease develops. It is characterized by anaphylactic shock, serious damage to internal organs and digestive system, chronic bronchial asthma. The person also has a panic condition, because severe dyspnea and the inability to inhale cause fear of death from suffocation.