Frost Caucasian - application

Folk methods of treatment have always been considered more loyal, but at the same time no less effective than medicamentous. The Caucasian frostbite is used in folk medicine for the treatment of many diseases. This is one of the most popular medicinal plants. Although a hellebore and a poisonous flower, taking it within reasonable limits, you can achieve excellent results.

Indications for the application of the hellebore of the Caucasus

The frostbitten is a perennial plant. The main value of this flower is in its roots, but there are some recipes for which, on the contrary, vertices are required. It is in the root of the hellebore that most of the glycosides concentrate - substances that favorably affect the body as a whole and the cardiovascular system in particular. The means based on hellebore promote the improvement of metabolism, have a calming effect, purify the body.

Some could hear about the hellebore in the Caucasus as a grass for weight loss. Indeed, the plant helps to lose excess pounds. Unlike the debilitating diets, weight loss with hellebore does not depress the body. That is, a person gradually comes to normal weight and at the same time remains cheerful, cheerful, full of strength and energy. This is not all the good news: losing weight with the hellebore, to follow additional diets and does not need. The great advantage of losing weight with this flower - after the extra pounds have gone, there will be no trace left on them.

To apply hellebore caucasian is recommended in the following cases:

  1. The frostbite excellently removes toxins and slags . Because of this, it is used to cleanse the body. In addition, the cleansing properties of the flower rejuvenate the skin, tighten and nourish it with health.
  2. Often the plant is used to restore and strengthen immunity. It can be used regularly for prevention. This will help prevent both common colds and flu.
  3. The flower helps with stress, depression and loss of strength. He easily copes with many diseases of the nervous system.
  4. In the instructions for the application of the hellebore of the Caucasus, you will find mention that the plant fights well with joint diseases: arthritis, osteochondrosis, rheumatism, radiculitis. The frostbite removes salt from the body - the cause of many diseases.
  5. The flower helps to treat gastritis, stomach ulcers and many other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  6. The frostbite eliminates tumors. It is used to heal wounds and ulcers of different origin.
  7. Some recipes allow you to use the hellebore caucasian for the treatment and prevention of diabetes .

Funds based on hellebore are effective, and their main plus is that they are not addictive.

How to take a hellebore in the Caucasus?

The means from the hellebore can be used externally or taken internally. The main thing is to keep the dosage. Really effective can only be a long course of treatment. Before starting it is best to consult with a specialist.

One of the most popular ways to use the hellebore of the Caucasus is the so-called dry. The exfoliated dry root of the plant should be taken in the morning, washed down with warm, purified water. When the desire can be mixed with honey, but it is better to take this medicine before bed. Begin the treatment with a single measuring spoon of hellebore. Gradually, if the body normally takes the medicine, the dose will increase.

For outdoor use, the solution of hellebore is perfectly suitable: a teaspoon of crushed dry root is poured with a liter of boiled water.

As with any medicine, in the hellebore of the Caucasus, along with indications for use, there are contraindications. The plant is forbidden to use for the treatment of pregnant and lactating mothers, children under 14 years old, people who have had a heart attack or who suffer from ischemia.