Purulent angina - how dangerous is the disease, and how to treat it?

Purulent angina is a common and very unpleasant disease. They are often sick with children, but adults from the disease are not protected. Although the problem of medicine and meets regularly, often the illness is treated incorrectly or not long enough, and it goes into a chronic form, the fight against which is significantly complicated.

Purulent angina - the causes of

Infection occurs by household, contact and airborne pathways. To catch a pathogenic microorganism, because of which purulent angina appears, can be through dirty water or unwashed food. After penetrating the body, the infection does not develop immediately. It is held back by the immune system. As a rule, purulent angina causes the following:

Purulent sore throat is a pathogen

In most cases, the cause of the disease is hemolytic streptococci, but this is not the only causative agent of angina. In addition to streptococci, it is possible to provoke the development of the inflammatory process:

Purulent sore throat - symptoms

Symptoms of the disease, which can be distinguished by the naked eye, become discernible about the 7th day after the infection has penetrated the body. Terms may vary depending on the state of immunity. Seeking the help of a specialist, you need to see such signs of purulent sore throat as:

As a rule, purulent angina begins with a sudden increase in temperature and severe pain in the throat. Many patients have inflammation of the submaxillary lymph nodes - they swell and hurt - which leads to difficulty swallowing. Another characteristic difference of the disease is the appearance on the tonsils of whitish or yellowish plaque. Weakness, abdominal pain and aches in joints appear when intoxication occurs.

What does purulent angina look like?

With such a diagnosis, like purulent angina, photos of the pharynx can tell a lot about the patient's health. There are two main forms of the disease:

  1. The throat with purulent angina lacunar type is affected only in the tonsils. Outside their inflammation is not spread. On examination, not even the specialist will see pronounced flushing, swelling of the tonsils and widening of the lacunae. Plaque in lacunar angina yellowish white and easily removed. When "extracting" the so-called plugs on the mucous membrane, there is no bruising.
  2. Purulent follicular angina is a more serious disease. The disease deeply affects the lymph nodes and tonsils. They swell, are painted in a bright red color. Purulent raids on the mucous membrane are not removed. When the foci of inflammation merge, abscesses form.

Temperature with purulent sore throat

Getting into the tissues of the tonsils, pathogenic microorganisms begin to multiply actively. Alien cells destroy the epithelium, and toxins are released. As a consequence, the inflammatory process is started. As a result of the release of mediators of inflammation, the temperature rises. So naturally the body struggles with pathogens. As a rule, purulent angina occurs with a temperature of 39 - 40 degrees and fever. This condition lasts up to 4 - 5 days.

Sometimes there is a purulent sore throat without temperature. Such a phenomenon is rare - only in cases when the inflammatory process extends exclusively to the tonsillar mucosa, and there is no suppuration. Not always accompanied by fever and angina of fungal origin. Among other things, fever may not be observed in the elderly or in weakened patients.

What is dangerous purulent angina?

Complications appear if the disease is not treated at all or fight it incorrectly. Bacterial environment spreads through the respiratory tract and can penetrate into different organs. Purulent sore throat complications gives on articular tissues, heart, kidneys. With long-term use of strong medications, liver pathologies can develop. Here's what specifically purulent angina threatens:

Purulent sore throat - treatment

All experts agree in one - the therapy of this disease should be comprehensive.

How to treat purulent sore throat correctly:

  1. Antibiotics. Only first you need to make sure that the disease is bacterial.
  2. Means of topical application. These can be soft rinses and sprays, but not violent manipulations with the mucous membrane. Extruding cork to a layman is strongly discouraged.
  3. Infusion-detoxification therapy. Such treatment is prescribed with pronounced symptoms of intoxication or complications.
  4. Antihistamines and anti-inflammatory drugs. With the diagnosis of purulent angina treatment at home use and such means involves. They relieve edema, reduce sore throat and neutralize common toxic symptoms.
  5. Bicillin prophylaxis. She is appointed after alleviating the condition of the patient. Drink Bicillin-5 should be repeated every 3 to 4 weeks for about six months.

Than to gargle with a purulent sore throat?

When diagnosed, purulent angina treatment at home can quickly alleviate the condition and prevent negative consequences. Rinsing is one of the most effective methods of therapy. If you regularly wash out pus, the likelihood of penetration into the internal tissues will decrease. For rinses it is recommended to use such means:

  1. Lugol. The solution of this preparation is well disinfected, has an antibacterial and disinfectant effect.
  2. Furacil. Effective and safe modern means. Before you can cure purulent angina with Furacilin, it is advisable to rinse the throat with soda. This will enhance the effect of the drug.
  3. Malawi. For one procedure a glass of water should be diluted with 5 to 10 drops of the agent.
  4. Miramistin. Eliminates bacteria, has antiviral and antifungal effects.
  5. Chlorophyllipt. You can rinse your throat every hour. The drug anesthetizes and relieves inflammation.

Spray from sore throat

Select an active remedy for sore throat should a specialist who assesses the patient's health. As a rule, the choice is made from such medicines:

  1. Lugol. In the form of a spray acts no worse than in the form of a rinse.
  2. Anti-Angin. Kills microbes and has a local anesthetic effect.
  3. Hexaspree. Antiseptic, which can not be used by children under 6 years of age.
  4. Novosept. The drug with antifungal, bactericidal, analgesic and immunomodulating properties.
  5. Tandum Verde. A good non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug.
  6. Orapept. Effective spray, which helps to eliminate the symptoms of the disease in a short time.

Lozenges from a sore throat

If you know what to do with purulent angina, coping with the problem will be quick and relatively simple. To stop the development of the disease, for example, lozenges help not bad:

Tablets from a sore throat

Various medications are used to treat inflammation. Often in the form of tablets, patients are prescribed antibiotics for purulent sore throat. Preparations like Amoxicillin or Flemoxin are recommended to swallow whole and wash down with a lot of water. In addition, patients can be recommended to drink antihistamines, antiviral, immunomodulating agents:

Injections with angina

Injections can be prescribed for various forms of the disease that occur with complications, but as practice shows, injections with purulent angina are the most common phenomenon. In most cases, help is sought from such medicines as:

This antibacterial means, therefore, you need to continue to do injections before the end of the course, even if the main symptoms of the disease disappear. Typically, the average duration of therapy is 7-10 days. The dosage of drugs for each patient is determined separately. Almost all drugs are sold in powder form. To dilute them, sterile water or a solution of sodium chloride is used.

Purulent sore throat - folk remedies

Unconventional medicine knows many secrets how to treat purulent angina at home. All recipes are effective, safe and, what's nice, are available:

  1. Take, for example, cabbage. She quickly lowers the temperature and relieves pain. All that is required is to attach a cabbage leaf to the throat and wrap it with a woolen scarf.
  2. Another popular folk remedy for sore throats from childhood is milk with honey.
  3. Beet juice with vinegar is a powerful antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory agent.