Diffuse changes in the pancreatic parenchyma

What is the pancreas you probably know. But the term "parenchyma" of many may make you think. And accordingly, and the medical conclusion of the specialist conducting ultrasound , the presence of diffuse changes in the parenchyma of the pancreas, most patients are stumped.

But immediately to fall into despair is not necessary - all is not so scary. In fact, the parenchyma is the scientific name of the tissue, and its change is a process inherent in every organism, in most cases even not dangerous at all.

What is diffuse change in pancreatic tissue?

The pancreas is arranged in such a way that the structure of its tissues is not uniform. Ehostruktura - the ability to reflect sound during ultrasound examinations. If there are any disturbances in the gland, the echostructure changes together with the density of the tissues. Therefore, diffuse changes in the parenchyma of the pancreas are just an ultrasound examination, and not an intimidating and very dangerous diagnosis, as many believe.

The pancreas is closely connected with many other organs, so changes in its tissues may indicate the presence of various problems in various parts of the body. Changes in the parenchyma can be diffuse and focal. And if the latter type can indicate the presence of tumors or stones in the body, then diffuse pancreas condensation is simply a statement that the changes are evenly distributed across the organ. To get more information about the problem, one ultrasound is not enough. And the true cause of diffuse seals will help determine a whole range of studies:

  1. For the beginning it is necessary to hand over the biochemical analysis of a blood. This will identify inflammation in the body, if any.
  2. It will not be superfluous and endoscopic research, which will demonstrate the status of the excretory duct of the pancreas.

Of course, to sound the alarm, after reading this conclusion, should not, but even moderate diffuse changes in the pancreas should be a reason for a thorough examination. There is a high probability that there is a problem in the body that does not bother the patient, but requires attention.

Why can the pancreas be diffusely heterogeneous?

The causes of changes in the tissues of the pancreas can be very much. Here are the main problems:

In addition, from problems with changes in the pancreatic parenchyma, very often elderly people, diabetics, suffer. And also the problem can be a consequence of the diseases transferred earlier.

Signs and symptoms of diffuse pancreatic changes

Often people do not even realize that in his pancreas there have been some changes, learning about the problem only after ultrasound. If the change in the parenchyma is a manifestation of some disease, then the symptoms will be appropriate. For example, when pancreatitis a person can feel a general malaise. The patient may be tormented by nausea, vomiting, severe pain in the abdomen.

In chronic pancreatitis, there are pains in the left side, manifested mainly after eating, bitterness in the mouth, indigestion of the stomach.

If the causes of tissue changes are associated with diseases, then the patient is expected to receive serious treatment, up to hospitalization. But if the diffuse changes in the pancreas do not bother the person, treatment is not required. And of course, regular preventive examinations will not harm anyone.