Ointment Bepanten

An analogue of the familiar Pantenol , treated with burns, is Bepanten ointment - the composition of both means is identical, and they differ by their trade name and form of release. So, the panthenol is released in the form of a spray, which forms a white foam when sprayed, and Bepanten is released as an ointment, and as a cream or lotion. Consider the properties of this drug and the indications for its use.

Is Bentantin's ointment hormonal or not?

This question is often asked by the mothers of newborn babies, who are advised to lubricate diaper rash with this medication. The main active substance of the ointment is dexpanthenol (provitamin B5 or pantothenic acid), which in no way relates to hormonal substances, but it participates in the formation of vitamin A and stimulates the processes of skin regeneration.

Ointment or cream Bepanten strengthens collagen fibers, accelerates mitosis and has a beneficial effect on the metabolism in cells, and also replenishes the internal reserves of pantothenic acid in the body, penetrating through the skin.

The drug has a pronounced moisturizing and regenerating effect, slightly relieves inflammation of the skin. Ointment is quite harmless, and it is permissible to apply it even to very sensitive areas of the skin (face) and dying wounds.

Application of Bepanten ointment

The remedy is prescribed to newborn children in order to combat diaper rash, diaper dermatitis and other inflammations of the skin.

During lactation the drug is used as a means for skin care of the breast - Bepantin ointment heals cracks and relieves nipple irritation.

Effectively lubricate the product with wounds and scratches, cracks in the skin - this speeds up their tightening.

Cream Bepanten Plus is appropriate in the treatment of skin damage with the threat of infection.

Other indications

Most often use Bapanten ointment from burns - both chemical and thermal origin, and formed after taking sun baths. Also, the drug on the basis of provitamin B5 is prescribed after skin transplantation.

Bapanten ointment is used universally for healing fresh tattoos: for several days or until the wound is fully tightened, the product is applied to the damaged skin with a thick layer.

The moisturizing effect of Bapanten ointment is at the right time when getting rid of acne . Most anti-acne remedies give a drying effect, and pantothenic acid perfectly copes with this problem. Lubricating scaly skin areas can be 2-4 times a day, supplementing such treatment with usual moisturizing care with the use of cosmetic creams that do not clog pores.

Precautionary measures

Ointment is safe and in very rare cases causes allergies, which manifests itself in the form of hives or redness of the skin. More often the drug is transferred normally, although before the first use, it is not superfluous to conduct a test test, applying a little Bapanten ointment to the inner fold of the elbow joint. If there are no Negative reactions do not appear within a few hours, so the tool can be used. With topical application, the likelihood of an overdose is excluded.

People with individual hypersensitivity to pantothenic acid treatment with ointment is contraindicated.

Bepanten ointment for pregnant women

The drug is safe for the fetus, because it is allowed to use it for the treatment of the skin throughout pregnancy and lactation. Bepanten ointment is applied to the nipples after each feeding, and washing it before the next meal of the baby is not required.

At the same time, before starting the use of the drug, it is worth consulting with the doctor on this matter.