Emphysema of the lungs - treatment

With emphysema, the lung alveoli stretch more than necessary, and, accordingly, poorly contract back. Oxygen does not have time to enter the bloodstream, and carbon dioxide, on the contrary, is not quickly withdrawn. Such disorders cause heart failure.

A more complex degree of the disease is called diffuse, a lighter one is bullous. They differ in the size of the lesion of the lungs.

Causes and symptoms

Emphysema is almost always a consequence of such diseases as bronchitis or bronchial asthma, tuberculosis, but sometimes the disease can be hereditary. The development of emphysema can be affected by smoking or poor environmental condition of the air.


Treatment of emphysema

How to treat emphysema, the doctor will tell you. Usually the patient is prescribed antibacterial drugs, the choice of which depends on the severity of the disease and on the condition of the patient. In addition, expectorants are prescribed. Mandatory breathing exercises and complete refusal to smoke .

Breathing exercises are very important, because helps to clear the lungs and restore normal breathing, it gives a load to the heart and starts all the processes in the right channel. The course of treatment, if the disease is not much started, lasts about a month. If a patient has severe respiratory failure, then in addition to medicines, special oxygen therapy is prescribed.

Treatment of emphysema with folk remedies

In the treatment of this disease, it is possible to use folk medicine, but only on the advice of a doctor and together with traditional treatment. Emphysema of the lungs can be treated with folk remedies. For example, helps infusion buckwheat. You need to take 500 ml of boiling water and brew 3 tablespoons of buckwheat, insist about 2 hours and drink half a glass 2-3 times a day.

Also effective is a medicine made from potatoes filled with boiling water. Within a month, this infusion is taken half a cup before meals. Prepare and other broths and infusions, using, including herbs, facilitating the release of lungs from sputum - ledum, mother-stepmother, plantain. You can inhale pairs of hot boiled potatoes, apply it to the chest.

When a pulmonary emphysema disease, but a timely treatment is given a good prognosis. True, in the event that the patient fulfills the doctor's recommendations. A complete cure for this disease is also possible.

Bullous emphysema

With bullous pulmonary emphysema, surgical treatment is also possible. Diffuse emphysema is treated quite difficult. Most often, after treatment there are consequences. In addition, there are a large number of deaths among patients with this form of emphysema. Paraseptal emphysema is also allocated. This is one of the varieties of bullous emphysema and most easy kind of disease. In this case, only small areas of the lung are affected and the treatment of paresisptal emphysema passes quickly and effectively.

Thus, it is important to remember that you should closely monitor your health, listen carefully to your body, especially if you have a predisposition to hereditary diseases. With any malaise, it is best to see a doctor and get a diagnosis, because the time the disease is diagnosed is a great success in treatment. It is necessary to cure to the end, because any, even uncomplicated at first sight, disease, can subsequently give serious complications.