Angina in children

Angina is an acute infectious disease that affects the area of ​​the throat and causes severe intoxication of the whole organism. In children, common symptoms often predominate - temperature, vomiting, diarrhea. Because of this, it is difficult to start treatment of angina in children in a timely manner. Also, angina can develop as a complication of SARS. Angina in children under one year requires a serious approach to treatment in order to avoid complications. Often, her symptoms are not very pronounced, so in cases of changes in the behavior of the baby, consult a doctor.

Symptoms of angina in children are severe sore throat, an increase in tonsils and lymph nodes, often there is a high fever. There are several forms of this disease, so special diagnostics and tests are needed so that the doctor can determine how to treat a sore throat in a child.

Purulent angina in children is formed when the glands are covered with a specific coating. This occurs in almost all forms of the disease, or in cases of severe neglect of the inflammatory process.

Most often, children have a herpetic sore throat. This is a viral form of the disease, typical of the youngest children. Signs are an increase in temperature to 40 ° C, abdominal pain, vomiting, diarrhea. Bubbles appear in the mouth. Complication of such angina can be serous meningitis.

Symptoms of catarrhal angina in children are more pronounced than in adults. There is dryness and perspiration in the throat, lymph nodes increase, there is a headache and general weakness. Tonsils are enlarged and covered with film.

Fungal angina often occurs in children. The temperature rises to 38 ° C, the tonsils are covered with a loose white coating. The cause is the fungus that occurs due to dysbiosis after the use of antibiotics.

Follicular angina in children begins very sharply - the temperature rises to 39 ° C, there is a headache, chills, fever, vomiting, diarrhea, blurred consciousness. Tonsils are covered with round spots of plaque.

Lacunar angina is characterized by the appearance on the tonsils in children of spots of yellowish or white. Symptoms of lacunar angina are similar to the symptoms of follicular angina, but it is more difficult to bear.

If a child has adenoids, angina of the nasopharyngeal tonsil can develop . In such cases it is necessary to engage in the treatment of adenoids.

Angina in children of preschool and school age is often and can cause very severe complications. To avoid this, you need to start treatment of angina in time in children and after recovery to avoid stress, strengthen the body.

Treatment of angina in children

How to treat angina in a child - at home or permanently, depends on the age and severity of the disease. If the disease is associated with other serious disorders in the body, then the doctor's supervision is preferable. Means are selected depending on the cause of the disease. Bacterial, purulent angina is most often treated with antibiotics. Fungal - antifungal agents. Antibiotics for angina children can appoint only a specialist, guided by the results of tests. You can not give your baby medicines without a doctor's appointment, change the dosage of prescribed drugs.

When treating angina in children at home, you need to follow some recommendations:

Angina often occurs after other viral diseases. Therefore, preventive measures will be the same as in ARVI. Strengthen immunity, watch for a healthy diet of the child, teach your child to health procedures, respiratory gymnastics. During epidemics, avoid mass gatherings of people. If the first symptoms of the disease occur, immediately begin treatment. Take care of your health and the welfare of your baby.