How to respond to a compliment?

A compliment made to a person can cause a different reaction. Some start terribly embarrassed, someone becomes suspicious. And there are people who begin to assure the other person of the opposite. It seems that, yes, you throw it, I look disgusting today. All these actions are considered to be a wrong reaction to the received compliment. But how to respond to a compliment, if you consider it undeserved or not sincere?

Before we go directly to the advice, how to correctly respond to a compliment, let's learn how to correctly perceive them first:

  1. To begin with, you should not refuse to believe that these pleasant words you hear are well deserved. Accept yourself from the high point of view of your interlocutor. Your protestations of praise are not one of the best options for how beautifully to respond to a compliment.
  2. Learn to perceive the spoken words from the point of view of the person who speaks them. Even if you do not have confidence that you are compliant, it does not mean that your interlocutor can not think differently.
  3. The most appropriate answer is usually trivial: "Thank you, I'm very pleased."
  4. Do not rush to answer each other with mutual flattery. Choose a more appropriate time for the answer word.
  5. Before you begin to learn tactics, how to respond to a compliment in an original way, learn to appreciate yourself. With low self-esteem, every word you say in your address will seem like a monstrous boastfulness and mockery, to which there can be only one answer - mutual rudeness. And you definitely do not need it.

How can I respond to a compliment?

Let's analyze the sequence of actions with the correct reaction to the compliment you made.

  1. Let the subconscious mind accept and believe what you have said. Rejoice, even if you hear a compliment in a pompous tone. But suddenly a person does not know how to talk in another manner. Or is he just so embarrassed? Your neglect or indifference can leave an unpleasant residue in the soul of the interlocutor.
  2. Look into the person's eyes with a smile. It is supposed that a compliment is a desire to make you feel good. So, you also should not remain in debt.
  3. Express your gratitude. If you are sure in the presence of an interlocutor of a sense of humor, you can answer in a joking tone. This will help you get out of an awkward position.

Mistakes made by people who do not know how to respond to a compliment can spoil not only the nascent relationship, but also long-lasting relationships. Do not object and belittle yourself. Do not need to excuse yourself. Do not ignore it at all. An exception can be made only for very unpleasant individuals, communication with which you do not crave either now or in the future.

And yet it is much easier to react to the compliment of a close friend, a good acquaintance and even a little familiar people of the same sex with you. It is much more difficult to find a way out of the situation, when a pleasant word is spoken by a man, and even to whom you feel even a small sympathy. The most important thing here is not to lose your head and not make false conclusions. A man can be just polite and gallant with you, and you'll think of yourself God knows what.

How to respond to a guy for a compliment?

Do not give up compliments when a guy flirts with you. By this you offend not only his feelings, but himself too.

It turns out that you yourself deprive yourself of being worthy of admiration for a man. In addition, even if you have a completely different opinion about your appearance or character, constantly accepting compliments from the opposite sex, you yourself will begin to believe in your beauty and specialty. How to respond to a compliment to a man? Yes, just express your gratitude to him, at least for the fact that he gives you more self-confidence.