What to prepare from yolks?

Egg yolk - indispensable in cooking. Answer the question of tangent that the preparation of yolks will help recipes in which this component is the main ingredient.

What to prepare from raw yolks and cottage cheese?

Cottage cheese rolls are something that can be made from yolks using a minimum amount of sugar. This low-calorie bake will please people watching their weight.



Separate a quarter of the cottage cheese from the whole mass and set aside. Mix the remaining cottage cheese with raw yolks and add the soda. Add the flour to the resulting mass, knead the dough and leave to stand in the cold for a couple of hours. Then roll the dough half a centimeter thick and close the remaining curd with sugar exactly half the surface of the dough. Roll the roll from the dough and cut the pieces from it. Put the pieces on a baking tray and bake at 180 degrees for half an hour.

Ice cream on yolks

Everyone's favorite treat - ice cream - is ideal for completing a festive dinner and tells culinary experts what dessert can be made from raw yolks that are left from making another treat.



Mix the milk with a portion of the cream, bring to a boil and strain through a sieve. Pound the yolks with a piece of sugar, and whip the remaining cream. In a separate saucepan, heat the sugar to an amber color, add the whipped cream and mix the mass. Pour in the milk, mix the mixture with the yolks. Return to the fire and cook until thick, stirring constantly. Put the caramel ice cream in the cold.

What to cook with boiled yolks?

Boiled yolks are the main ingredient in the preparation of tartar sauce, the recipe of which is given below.



Pound the yolks, season with pepper and lemon juice. Gradually pour in the oil, whisking the mass with a whisk until the consistency of mayonnaise. Grind the onion, cucumber, olives and mix with the mass. Prepare the tartar sauce for the fish.