31 weeks of pregnancy - what happens?

So, the pregnancy has already reached the third trimester. This is another important stage in the life of the mother and her baby, because the active growth of the baby continues. If you are already 31 weeks pregnant, it is important for you to know what is happening at this time with your body and the long-awaited child.

How does the child develop?

The fetus grows very quickly and develops. The Kid is active and continues to move the handles and legs. The 31st week of pregnancy is special in that the wiggling of the fetus becomes stronger. This is caused by the development of the muscles of the child's limbs. And still the crumb reacts to sharp sounds in this way, frightened. But the intensity of movements is sharply reduced, because crumb does not have enough space to show its activity. The number of fetal movements must be at least 10 times in 12 hours.

If the pregnancy is good, then 31 weeks is characterized by the fact that the child's weight is rapidly increasing. In the following weeks, the crumb will recruit 180-200 grams. By the end of 31 weeks its weight ranges from 1,400 to 1,600.

If pregnancy is interrupted at week 31, then at this stage of fetal development it is already possible to effectively nurse a child. This event will not be considered a miscarriage, but a birth.

To the peculiarities of the formation of the baby's organism in this period can be attributed the following:

But only the lungs are not yet sufficiently formed, so they can not independently provide the child with oxygen.

The location of the fetus at the 31st week of pregnancy is characterized by the fact that, as a rule, the crumb head is in the entrance to the pelvis. This situation is usually preserved until delivery. Sometimes the present part is the buttocks, then in the upper part of the abdomen you can grope the baby's head.

What changes are happening to a future mother?

At 31 weeks of pregnancy, the weight of the mother also changes rapidly: she grows with her baby. Each week, a woman adds about 250-300 g. Weight gain is provided by amniotic fluid, enlarged in the volume of the uterus and placenta, the growing breast and the baby itself. The uterus reached a considerable size, so that the baby was not cramped. In fact, at 31 weeks of gestation, the fetal dimensions have already reached 40-42 cm.

Periodically, a woman notices that the uterus arrives for a short time in tone: a few seconds pulls the stomach, and then relaxes again. Such sensations are called Braxton-Hicks contractions. But it is not worth worrying - it is not related to premature births - so the uterus is ready to prepare for the forthcoming process. Due to the fact that it has become large, the woman feels constant discomfort: swelling, constipation, heartburn, swelling, shortness of breath. This is considered the norm, because the enlarged uterus presses internal organs. In addition, lying and sitting in some poses to the mother is uncomfortable, since the uterus presses on the hollow vein and blocks the flow of blood to the heart.

The third trimester is a very important period, because a woman must undergo a full medical examination before giving birth. It is necessary to monitor your weight, prevent constipation, maintain hygiene, control emotions, continue to visit a doctor on time, do ultrasound, give tests. If the mother is physically and emotionally healthy, then the child will be born strong. Also, a woman should prepare herself for delivery and make a list of things that will be useful to her in the hospital.