Oxisayz with Marina Korpan

Oxisase is an exercise of respiratory gymnastics, which came to us from the USA, where they are very popular. This is a great way to improve the body, saturate every cell with oxygen and quickly lose in volume. This technique is suitable even for young mothers who are recovering from childbirth. Unlike the popular method of Bodyflex, Oxisayz passes quietly, without noisy exhalations, which is incredibly important for a young mother. On the Internet, you can easily find employment with the oxysize with Marina Corpan, which is available to show the execution of each element.

Technique of oxysize with Marina Korpan

Even the most accurate description of actions does not give such an effect, as a video, which gives the effect of the presence of an instructor. The technique of oxysize with Marina Korpan is much easier to master, therefore, together with reading this article, be sure to review the video.

The most important thing in respiratory gymnastics is, of course, the breathing technique. It can be described as follows:

  1. Breathe in. Stand up straight, slightly bending your knees. As much as possible, relax the muscles of the press. Keep your shoulders relaxed and your arms hang freely. Take a small breath in your nose, blowing up your stomach.
  2. Three breaths. Now strain the press and the muscles of the buttocks, lift the lower abdomen. In this position, inhale three times, filling the lungs with air as much as possible.
  3. Exhalation. Fold your lips into a tube, maximally draw in your belly and blow air through the narrow mouth slit. Keep muscle tension.
  4. Three exhalations. Now release the lungs completely, having made three exhalations to prepare for the subsequent deep inspiration.

This cycle should be repeated at least 10 times. First, master the technique, performing everything exactly according to the description, and only after that you can proceed to the study of exercises.

Oxisayz: exercises with Marina Korpan

If you have already mastered the breath, you can switch to Oxysayz gymnastics with Marina Corpan. Begin with the simplest exercises and gradually add to your complex more complex.

  1. Side extension. Take the starting position for breathing. Raise your right hand up, move the body to the left, and bend the body to the pelvic bones. From this position, perform a breathing exercise (4 cycles). For each side, you need three repetitions.
  2. Squats against the wall. Pull your back against the wall. Slowly sink, sliding on the wall with your back. When the hips are on a line parallel to the floor, squeeze the palms at the chest level, dilating the elbows to the sides. From this position, perform a breathing exercise (4 cycles). Do three repetitions.
  3. Push-up. Stand face to the wall, rest your hands on it at the chest level, keep the palms parallel to each other. Perform a push-up from the wall, notice the point of maximum stress and stand at this moment on the tiptoes. When you feel the tension of all the muscles, perform a breathing exercise (4 cycles). Repeat 3 times.
  4. Squatting. Stand exactly, the toes of the feet look slightly inward. Perform a shallow squat, and press on the floor as if you wanted to spread it with your feet. Perform 4 times a breathing exercise. Repeat three times.
  5. A push-up from the chair. Sit on the edge of the chair, rest in the seat with your hands. Push the buttocks forward and feel the tension of all the muscles. The support goes to the toes of the feet and palms. Fix this position and perform 4 breathing cycles. Repeat 3 times.

Oxysize makes sense only if you are doing it regularly, every day. Like any other sports activities, respiratory gymnastics will not be effective when training from case to case.