Angiovitis in planning pregnancy

Today, more and more couples are resorting to a planned pregnancy . There are several reasons for this: the ecological situation, difficulties with conception, the desire to create the best conditions for the future baby. In addition to a comprehensive examination, doctors are obliged to prescribe to a potential mother the reception of vitamin complexes. One of the most popular drugs in planning pregnancy is angiovitis.

Angiovitis - composition

The reason for the high popularity of angiovitis among gynecologists is the composition of the drug. One tablet contains the necessary doses of B vitamins: pyridoxine hydrochloride (B6) -4 mg, folic acid (B9) 5 mg, cyanocobalamin (B12) 6 μg. As you know, it is these vitamins that have a beneficial effect on the formation and development of the fetus in the first trimester of pregnancy. So, vitamin B6 regulates nerve impulses and participates in metabolic processes. With the help of vitamin B12, hemoglobin is synthesized and the production of red blood cells (erythrocytes). Vitamin B9 prevents the risk of mutations in cell division. In the first weeks of pregnancy, the intake of folic acid in angiovitis prevents the development of neural tube defects, and therefore, reduces the possibility of severe fetal malformations.

In addition, a deficiency of B vitamins in pregnant women can lead to the development of iron deficiency anemia , which is unfavorable for both the future mother and baby. A woman may feel weak, dizzy, sometimes fainting. The child of an anemic mother suffers from chronic oxygen starvation. At the same time, intrauterine growth slows down.

Angiovitis - indications for use

Angiovitis is prescribed not only when planning pregnancy to replenish vitamin stores. During the entire period of gestation, a vitamin complex is necessary for women who have had complications of pregnancy in the past (for example, miscarriage or fetoplacental insufficiency), as well as future mothers whose close relatives under the age of 50 suffered from cardiovascular diseases (thrombosis, heart attack, stroke).

The fact is that the state of the heart and blood vessels is strongly influenced by the amino acid homocysteine. Normally, when pregnancy occurs, the level of homocysteine ​​in the blood decreases, this has a beneficial effect on the formation of the placenta. If the content of this substance increases, there is a risk of damaging the walls of blood vessels, and this threatens the appearance of fetoplacental insufficiency, a violation of blood circulation and the development of severe vices in the fetus.

Recent studies have shown that most modern women, without knowing it, have a tendency to increase the level of homocysteine. Therefore, as a preventive measure for possible complications, doctors prescribe a pregnancy-planning lady to the intake of B vitamins contained in angiovite.

How to take angiovitis?

Despite the fact that angiovitis is not a medicine, but a vitamin complex, it is not worth taking it yourself without consulting a doctor. Based on the results of the tests, the specialist will determine the required dose and duration of administration. The angiovitis maker recommends taking the pills inside regardless of the meal. A pregnancy planning woman can drink angiovitis 1 tablet a day. The course should not be less than 20-30 days. If allergic reactions occur during the angiovitis period, stop taking the medication and consult a doctor.