Signs of pregnancy as a boy

After experiencing the first joy after getting acquainted with the results of the survey, each mother begins to wonder who "has settled" inside her, looking for signs of pregnancy as a boy or girl.

Even when planning a pregnancy, an attentive woman, keenly hungry for a son, studies the method of conception of a boy on a monthly basis. A very interesting way is that sexual intercourse should occur 11-12 days before the onset of menstruation. This is due to greater mobility of "male" sperm. This method gives a probability of 87% in the region, taking into account the existence of a regular and strict cycle.

How does ovulation and conception of a boy occur?

In order to increase the likelihood of a son's birth, it is worth trying in advance to maintain a temperature calendar, based on the testimony of which, you can calculate the days of onset of ovulation. They will be marked by an increase in the body temperature by several degrees. Sexual intercourse should be held as close as possible to the expected date of ovulation. This is necessary in order for the less "tenacious" spermatozoa that carry the male chromosome to be the first to reach the oocyte. Follow the deep, powerful penetration and ward off the male overheating before sex. It is worth noting that the responsibility for conceiving a child of the boy lies entirely with the father, since it is his seed that can carry both kinds of chromosomes: X (girl) or U (boy). If women had the ability to reproduce without the participation of men, they would produce only girls.

Toxicosis in pregnancy by the boy

There is a very common opinion that a woman, pregnant with a male fetus, suffers much more from manifestations of toxicosis. There is no scientific confirmation of this hypothesis. The organism of each future mother individually carries a new condition for him and carry a strong toxicosis to the sign of pregnancy as a boy is not worth it. About how the boy is pregnant with a pregnancy, there are heated discussions at women's forums and in a women's consultation. However, they are all based only on personal experience.

Signs of pregnancy as a boy

It is worth noting how rich our folklore is by people's signs that guarantee the appearance of an heir. They have been dragging on since ancient times, when they did not even know about ultrasound and other analyzes. Among mummies, such characteristics of pregnancy as a boy are popular:

The list of what symptoms there are during pregnancy by a boy can be continued indefinitely. Some of them reach absurdity, and some have quite impressive statistics. A never-ending interest will be able to satisfy only the high-quality and detailed ultrasound of a pregnant woman. But even different, albeit occasionally, but is mistaken.

Boy - ultrasound in pregnancy

In the early stage of gestation, which is approximately 12 weeks, the experimental ultrasound will give only half the probability of an accurate determination of the sex of the child. This can be done by measuring and analyzing the angle between the sexual tubercle and the back of the embryo. However, wait for another month, and with the baby's comfortable position in the uterus, you can already more accurately tell what color you need to buy a dowry.

Extremely common mistakes in finding out the sex of the baby's future is:

Whatever the result of the research, accept it with joy and without disappointment. After all, the most important thing is the health and well-being of the future baby.