Antibodies to hCG

To timely diagnose existing threats to pregnancy, it is often necessary to conduct an analysis for the presence of antibodies to HCG in the blood. This study is being conducted, in particular among women who have had miscarriages and premature births in the past.

Because of what antibodies to hCG can appear?

Many doctors are of the opinion that the appearance of antibodies can be a reaction of the woman's body to the production of chorionic gonadotropin. However, this is quite rare. In most cases, this phenomenon is caused by:

How is the analysis for the presence of antibodies to hCG?

To determine whether antibodies to hCG are elevated, blood is taken from the pregnant woman from the vein. In the analysis, serum is used, for which a tube with biomaterial is placed in a centrifuge.

How to evaluate the results of the study?

After carrying out a blood test for antibodies to hCG, taking into account the values ​​of the norm, they begin to decipher the analysis. The doctor does this directly, based on the following indicators:

These figures are reference indicators. With an increase in these values, there is evidence of a violation.

How is the treatment of elevated antibody levels carried out?

The increased content of antibodies to HCG in the blood requires the appointment of treatment and physician intervention. The thing is that these structures disrupt the normal functioning of the chorionic gonadotropin itself, which is also accompanied by a decrease in the synthesis of hormones such as progesterone and estradiol. This also creates a threat of early termination of pregnancy.

In those cases when drug treatment has not brought the required results, the doctor can prescribe a plasmapheresis. This procedure consists in purifying the blood, in order to reduce the content of antibodies to hCG in it.

Thus, early detection of pregnant antibodies to hCG in the blood allows timely correction of the disorder and prevention of complications, among which the most formidable is spontaneous abortion. In cases where a woman already has a second pregnancy interrupted by miscarriage, the analysis will establish the cause of this phenomenon.