Threat of miscarriage - symptoms

Today, more and more pregnant women face the problem of a threatening miscarriage, the symptoms of which sometimes resemble monthly or diseases of the genitourinary system. But for every woman it is very important to know how to determine the emerging threat of miscarriage . This is necessary so that the pregnant woman does not experience in vain, traumatizing such nervous condition of the future baby.

Miscarriage is a spontaneous abortion, which can be a consequence of the following factors:

How is the threat of miscarriage manifested?

Usually every woman's first signs of a threat of miscarriage are more or less the same, but sometimes they have some differences. It depends on the structure of the body of the pregnant woman. But still the most frequent signs of a threat of miscarriage are the following:

  1. Pain in the lower abdomen, which may be accompanied by vaginal bleeding. If such painful sensations do not stop within a day, then it is necessary to immediately consult a doctor.
  2. When a miscarriage threatens, bloody discharge may appear, which are present for three days. Such secretions can resemble menstrual, have a brownish or scarlet color (which is a signal to the doctor)!
  3. Vaginal bleeding may be accompanied by pain or cramps that occur when a miscarriage threatens and indicates an ectopic pregnancy.

If a woman had a miscarriage earlier and during the subsequent pregnancy she had a blood discharge, pain, bleeding with clots, then in this case urgent hospitalization is required. In the hospital, when symptoms of a miscarriage threat arise, doctors take the most urgent measures, as a result of which spontaneous abortion can be avoided.

When there is a threat of miscarriage?

The most dangerous period of pregnancy is the first trimester, in which the threat of miscarriage is most often met. Already closer to 28 weeks and later the threat of termination of pregnancy decreases, and there is practically nothing to fear.

But it is important to remember that if in the third trimester of bearing a child from the vagina there are spotting, then you need to urgently consult a doctor. The hospital should eliminate the risk of abortion or separation of the placenta ahead of schedule.