Subculture punky

All people are different in their worldview, it is very rare to meet a person with a picture of a life similar to yours. Under the influence of parents, schools, television, the Internet, each person has his own opinion about everything that often differs from what the powerful ones are trying to impose on us. And if a whole group of people simultaneously have the same definite views on life, then one can speak of the emergence of a subculture. In this society, their own rules of life, their own values, behavior, slang, appearance. It is on the behavior and appearance of the subculture that they differ most often.

In the late sixties - early seventies of the last century, one of the informal youth subcultures - punks - appeared in America, England, Australia and Canada. The word "punk" originally had several meanings: a woman of "easy" behavior, a prisoner of lower rank, an abusive language. And then in 1975-1976 in the US appeared musical groups that defined the way of life and their creativity, like punk - garbage, dirt. There was a punk movement, the main task of which was the destruction of all kinds of stereotypes and frames through aggression. The main slogan of punks is "I hate". They hated everything, from their relatives to society as a whole. They called themselves "flowers in the trash", they had white with black, clean preferred dirty, life - death. The main principles of the punks were: "There is no future" and "Live fast, die young."

How to become a punk?

If there is a desire to become a punk, first learn the history of the punk movement, because if you do the Iroquois haircut, wear torn jeans, but do not know why these punk attributes appeared, it will only be a masquerade, nothing more. Punks do not obey public norms, but demonstrate an alternative way of life, including their shocking appearance, designed for shock to others. Their appearance indicates the desire to stand out from the "gray crowd". The punk suit is a mixture of deliberately torn clothes from "second hand", decommissioned military uniforms, black leather and various cheap trinkets.

Hairstyle of punks - this is the distinctive feature by which they are most often distinguished, and the most common of the hairstyles is the Iroquois. They are shaven whiskeys and a lacquered vertical comb, painted in different colors. Hairstyles in the style of punk - it's also hairstyles Mohicans, garbage, caps. To create a punk hairstyle, you need more of your imagination and craziness, and you will be irresistible! Makeup punks like theatrical - whitened faces, black lips and shadows, black lacquer on the nails, piercing on many parts of the body.

Varieties of punks

Punks, as a subculture, are conditionally divided into such types:

What do punks do?

One of the main activities of punks is music, they write punk music and play it, they even install festivals and concerts, they can produce self-made music magazines.

The main difference between punks and other people is the denial and non-recognition of any authority, therefore, as long as there are powers that dictate their laws and morals, there will also be a subculture of punk.