Antihelminthic drugs for children

Helminths are parasitic worms that live in the host's body, releasing toxins, and sometimes even destroying the internal organs of a person.

Their presence is especially detrimental to the developing organism. After all, helminths disrupt the proper absorption of nutrients and contribute to the general intoxication of the body.

Caring parents understand that it is very difficult to protect the child from infection. Especially when it comes to pre-school or elementary school. Children often forget all precautions and hygiene rules.

We will talk about what anthelminthic drugs exist for children, and also some precautions for their use.

Before you rush to buy cheap medicines in the nearest pharmacy, you should know about their toxicity for a young organism - they exert a heavy load on the liver. Therefore, it is best before visiting the hospital to visit the hospital and identify the problem. The best medicine is the one that is selected for a particular species of helminth. Self-treatment is very dangerous.

Preparations against worms for children

Consider the main groups of drugs recommended by the World Health Organization.

  1. Piperazine. Among all drugs is a low toxicity, so it is allowed to take even pregnant women. But it does not help with severe invasions. At the same time, during admission, there may be side effects such as nausea, diarrhea, migraine.
  2. Pirantel (Helmintox, Nemocide). Suitable for children from 6 months to 3 years. It is great to cope with enterobiasis, ascariasis and hookworm. But it can not be prescribed to pregnant women. Adverse reactions - nausea, migraine, pain in the abdomen.
  3. Mebendazole (Wormil, Vermox). These drugs have a broader spectrum of action, but also greater toxicity. Will rid the child of ascarids, pinworms, trichinosis and other mixed invasions. You can give the child from the age of two. After taking the drug, there are such manifestations as rash, diarrhea, abdominal pain.
  4. Albendazole ( Nemazol, Sanoxal). These drugs can also be taken from two years. Their action affects even more helminths - migrating larvae, lamblia, toxocariasis, clonorchiasis, etc. But these agents are more toxic and can provoke dry mouth, constipation, rash, insomnia, etc.
  5. Levomizol (Decaris). It can be given to children only from three years old. Eliminate the baby from mixed invasions, ascaridosis, non-carotid and other helminths. Possible side effects are diarrhea, vomiting, convulsions.

Should anthelminthic drugs be given to children for prevention? There is no unambiguous answer to this question.

In order that the anthelmintic remedy for children had the desired effect and did no harm - conduct therapy with the use of any en-sorbents (activated charcoal, polypephane, etc.). This will help the body to get rid of toxins, which will give the dead individuals. It is desirable to take in parallel and antihistamines.

Also, do not forget to carry out prophylaxis for all family members to avoid re-infection.

Means against worms will help to destroy the children of existing parasites. It is important not to engage in self-medication and to keep the correct dosage.