Inflammation of the small intestine - symptoms, treatment

Depending on the zone of inflammation of the small intestine, symptoms and treatment will be different. Far from always acute pain in the abdomen, swelling or constipation testify to enteritis. There are a lot of types of inflammation, as well as its causes, and each of them has its own signs. It is important to correctly recognize the disease and take appropriate measures.

Symptoms of small intestine inflammation

Depending on which part of the small intestine the inflammation has occurred, the following types are distinguished:

The most common is duodenitis, since the duodenum is connected to the stomach and bile ducts, and therefore the first to take the shock. If duodenitis is not treated, the inflammation very quickly covers the entire small intestine. Depending on the course of the disease distinguish between acute and chronic form of enteritis. Here are the main signs of acute inflammation:

Chronic enteritis is manifested as follows:

How to treat inflammation of the small intestine?

Treatment of small intestine inflammation is not required if this phenomenon is caused by malnutrition, acts as a complication from a transferred illness, or is associated with stress.

Usually, when the provoking factor is eliminated, the enteritis passes by itself. If the inflammation is caused by an infection, antibacterial therapy is necessary, followed by taking medications that restore the normal intestinal microflora.

Sometimes tablets are prescribed that have an enveloping function to reduce acidity.

Treatment of inflammation of the small intestine with folk remedies also involves the use of enveloping broths - oak bark, flax seed. These are natural absorbents. For the relief of inflammation, a decoction of chamomile, a tincture of kalgan and propolis is suitable.

Often doctors recommend fasting with the subsequent transition to diet number 5 , with a low content of fats, sugars and foods provoking increased production of bile. These include acidic fruits, spices, smoked products.