Eczema in children

If your child has noticed incomprehensible dry spots that itch, then you need to consult a pediatrician to exclude the diagnosis - eczema. This is an infectious, allergic, chronic or acute disease that is characterized by the presence of an itchy rash, then appearing, then disappearing. About 20% of all children suffer from this disease. The first symptom of the appearance of eczema in children may be red scaly patches on the cheeks. Most often eczema affects a child's face, neck, hands, elbows, legs, eyelids. With eczema, the skin does not fully protect the body, so various infections can enter the child's skin through the skin. Treatment of eczema in children lends itself poorly, but it is quite possible and necessary to alleviate the condition of the sick child.

Causes of eczema in children

Science does not precisely identify the causes of eczema, It can be a genetic predisposition to allergies. The reason can be hidden in the immune system of the child's body and even in harmful conditions of the mother's labor during pregnancy. Disease can develop in a child on the background of atopic dermatitis. Eczema is a seasonal disease that worsens in autumn and spring. With exacerbations, the spots increase in size, itch, it becomes wet, then covered with a dry crust. The child is naughty, cries, starts combing the spots, thereby infecting them.

Types of eczema in children

Eczema in children is of the following types:

  1. True eczema most often affects the face, hands and feet of children. There are many foci with pink coloration and small vesicles inside, after opening, which remain point erosions, which are then replaced by crusts. The child is worried about burning and itching.
  2. Seborrheic eczema in children occurs in infancy and after an active period of growth. There is such a seborrhea on the head under the hair, behind the ears, on the face, under the shoulder blades. In this case, the rashes are peculiar - the layering of fatty yellowish almost non-dying scales. In the center of the foci, the rashes heal, but others appear on the periphery.
  3. Microbial eczema occurs in children more often on the limbs, rashes are rounded with clear boundaries, there are pustules. In these places, long-healing fistulas can be formed long before the appearance of trophic ulcers.
  4. Dyshidrotic eczema appears in children on the skin of the hands and feet and has the appearance of a rash. Has much in common with exudative-catarrhal diathesis.
  5. With coin-like eczema, children develop plaques with a round coin-like shape. This is the most difficult form of eczema in the treatment, most often it is chronic.

Eczema in an infant may appear at the age of about three months in the form of a red rough spot, which starts to itch and peel off. The child behaves restlessly, constantly trying to scratch this speck, and can comb it to the blood. At this point a wound is formed, into which pathogenic microorganisms enter, which can lead to a purulent infection. In place of wounds, the child may have scars for life.

How to treat eczema in children?

The treatment of eczema is a complex and lengthy process, requiring the parents great patience. Correctly organized food plays an important role in treating children from eczema. First of all, it is necessary to reduce the child's consumption of fluid, salt and carbohydrates, as they increase the already existing inflammation in the tissues. It is necessary to exclude irritating extractive substances: meat broths, canned food, spicy spices, coffee, chocolate, milk. Vegetarian soups, boiled meat and fish, vegetables, sour-milk products are useful. The child on breastfeeding early appointed kefir, the first lure - porridge on a vegetable broth. Drug treatment is prescribed by the doctor strictly individually, depending on the age of the child and the severity of his illness.