Fried cottage cheese

If you have a little cottage cheese left in the fridge, and you do not know where to put it, offer you some interesting recipes.

The recipe for roasted cottage cheese



Curd the cheese with a fork, spread it in a frying pan with a thick bottom, sprinkle with sugar and add butter butter. Constantly stirring, bring the mass to a beautiful brown color and remove the pan from the fire. Transfer the fried curd to a baking sheet covered with foil, and leave until completely cooled and frozen. Then cut the casserole into small pieces and serve a dessert with unsweetened tea or strong coffee!

Fried patties with cottage cheese


For the test:

For filling:


Cottage cheese weed, we add eggs beaten separately, we throw salt, sugar and we pour gradually kefir. We mix everything thoroughly, pour out the vegetable oil, throw a pinch of soda and pour in flour in batches. Mix the soft homogeneous dough and put it on the refrigerator for 20-30 minutes.

And this time while we will be engaged in a stuffing: cottage cheese we rub with sugar, we break eggs and carefully we mix up to a homogeneous condition. We divide the cooled dough into 15-20 balls, roll them into flat cakes, put stuffing and form accurate pies. We put them on the frying pan heated with oil and fry from all sides until ready.

Fried driers with cottage cheese



Drying is transferred to a bowl and poured them with hot milk, leaving to swell for about 10 minutes. If it is not enough, we add more, or we constantly mix the contents in a bowl, so that all the products are evenly soaked. Do not waste time in vain, we mix the curd filling. To do this, we combine sugar, egg and cottage cheese in a bowl, mix thoroughly.

Now we cover the baking tray with parchment paper, grease it with butter, spread the drying, fill it with stuffing and put it in the oven. Bake at 200 degrees for 10 minutes, and then spread carefully on the pan and fry the drying from two sides to a ruddy color. Then carefully shift to the dish, pour the tea and enjoy the amazing taste of cottage cheese cakes.