How to get rid of snakes in the country?

Someone is disturbed by mosquitoes, some with aphids, but sometimes in the country we are trapped by much more dangerous meetings, for example, with snakes. These creeping creatures can be not only unpleasant in appearance, but also very dangerous and poisonous. Because you need to know how to protect yourself from snakes in the country and continue to prevent their occurrence.

How to protect yourself from snakes in the country?

Most snakes are safe, this refers to horrors, slides and chestnuts. But it's unlikely that you will be able to figure out whether the viper is a slipper or if you suddenly come across it among the raspberry bushes or the compost pit.

Once you suspect the presence of creeping reptiles on your site, take urgent action. First of all, do a thorough cleaning, removing from the dacha all the fragments of slate, logs, heaps of branches and debris. It is these blockages that often become the nesting place for snakes.

Do not allow tall grass, cut it regularly. Compost piles arrange as far as possible from home, because they form all the optimal conditions for laying eggs and winter snakes.

Naturally, all work should be carried out in equipment - high rubber boots, closed clothes and gloves.

If there are snakes in the dacha, it's time to make friends with the hedgehog - this prickly animal is the most formidable enemy of snakes. In addition, it will help get rid of a whole series of pests - mice, rats, moles and toads. The hedgehog can be found in the nearest forest belt, bring it to the site and create for him all the comfortable conditions - to feed and slightly solder it with beer to make a fearless warrior.

Than to scare away snakes in the country?

When you are taking up a fight, you need to decide whether you want to get rid of snakes in the country, destroy them, or scare them away. Destroying, you run the risk of meeting new individuals during the summer. While systematic work to create uncomfortable conditions for snakes will save you from them at least for a season.

To scare away snakes there are several recipes:

  1. Since these reptiles are very susceptible to smells, you can scatter on the site of dry mustard, to split from different sides of the garden with garlic.
  2. Also, snakes can not tolerate the smell of burnt rubber, so you can try to burn a rubber tire on the site.
  3. Try to introduce the practice of annual burning of grass on the site in the spring - Snakes do not take aim at such a garden.
  4. You can take the reptiles from the garden, using naphthalene balls, nitrate, garden herbicides, ammophoska to repel them. You can scatter on the site rags soaked in diesel oil, herbicide or special poisonous agents for the cold-blooded.
  5. The base of the fence should also be sprayed with chemicals.
  6. To create noise and vibration, which snakes do not tolerate, hang around the site of Chinese bells, ratchets and turntables.