Apple mashed potatoes for the winter

In cooking, apples are universal: they are combined with meat, they can become a part of baking and desserts, the basis of sauces, compotes, jams and apple purees. Delicious apple puree for the winter - an excellent option for those who have children in the family, or who does not mind eating fruit mashed potatoes. Such a preparation can be served as a separate dessert or used as the main ingredient in other recipes of sweets.

Apple-pear puree for the winter

As always, first of all I would like to devote attention to the basic recipe. In its framework, as a basis, you can use both single apples, and their combination with pears and other fruits.



Before you make apple puree for the winter, you need to prepare apples and pears, and leave the fruit to start the juice. To prepare, peel the fruit, remove the core and divide the fruits into large pieces. Pour apples with pears sugar and leave in enamelware for the whole night. In the morning, when the fruits are allowed enough juice, splash a little water to them and place the dishes on medium heat. Depending on the density of apples and pears, the cooking time can take from 15 minutes. When the pieces soften, they are blended with a blender, and the mash itself is boiled for about 3 minutes with an active boiling.

Pre-sterilize the jars and distribute the apple puree in them. Roll the sterile container with pre-scalded lids, and after cooling leave the workpiece in a cool place.

Apple puree without sugar for the winter - recipe

If you are harvesting punctured fruit for children, then give preference to recipes that exclude the use of sweeteners. For such puree choose dense sweet and sour apples.



Apples for puree should be pre-cleaned both from the core and from the skin. Pieces of apples filled with apple juice or a small amount of water, place the dishes on medium heat and cook all from 6 to 20 minutes (depending on the density of apples). When the pieces of fruit soften, blister all blender and leave the mashed potatoes for another 5 minutes. During this time, wash and scald the jars. Spread the mashed potatoes in a glass container and roll them with scalded lids.

How to cook apple-plum puree for the winter?

Since plums and apples contain enough pectin, the ready-made fruit puree turns out not only tasty, but also quite dense, even to some extent lean.



Peeled apples in an enamel saucepan. Slices cut in half and mix with slices of apples. Put a cinnamon stick and put the fruit on fire. When the sauce appears in the pan, allow it to reach the boil, and then reduce heat and leave the contents to boil until soft. For greater uniformity, the mashed potatoes can be wiped through a sieve to get rid of the peel, otherwise you can whip the contents of the pan to uniformity directly with the skin.

Bring the finished fruit puree to a boil, boil for another 5 minutes, and then pour into scalded jars.

Apple puree with cream for the winter - recipe



Peeled pieces of apples are placed in enameled utensils, fill with sugar, pour in water and leave everything to cook until softened. The amount of water and sugar vary, depending on the sweetness and juiciness of the fruit itself. Pour in the cream, whip the mashed potatoes in any convenient way, and then boil for 6-8 minutes and pour over a sterile container.