Salted cucumbers for the winter - the best recipes of the most popular preservation

Praise salted cucumbers for the winter there is no need. Everyone knows that vegetables prepared by natural ripening are useful, crunchy, aromatic, well go snack and are an excellent component for many cold dishes, and the accompanying brine complements borscht and soups, and serves as an excellent remedy for the folk ailment.

How to pickle cucumbers?

Pickling cucumbers for the winter is done in two ways: cold and hot. With the hot method, the cucumbers are poured twice with boiling water twice (with an interval of 5 minutes), after which they are poured with hot brine and rolled up. For cold salting, pour cucumbers with warm water and put in a cool place for fermentation for 20 days.

  1. Brine for pickling cucumbers is the main component of the billet. It is important to know that 50 g of salt per liter of water is used for cold salting, and 35 g for a hot method.
  2. Cucumbers should be soaked for 8 hours before cooking. This will help get rid of bitterness and add elasticity.
  3. A good recipe for pickled cucumbers is distinguished by an abundance of herbs and spices. Special spice and crunchiness of the workpiece is given by the leaves of oak, cherry and currant, and green grapes protect cucumbers from the formation of voids.

Quick pickling of cucumbers in a hot way

For many housewives, quick pickling of cucumbers is associated only with the hot way of cooking, because such salting technique not only helps make vegetables crispy, but also does not treat the selection of cucumbers as carefully as they twice undergo heat treatment. However, in order to avoid fermentation, the pickles are immediately transferred to the cold.



  1. Pour the cucumbers with boiling water for 5 minutes.
  2. Water boil and refill the cucumber.
  3. Drain again, add salt, cook, pour in cucumbers and roll.
  4. Roll the salted cucumbers for the winter until it cools down.

How to pickle salted cucumbers?

The recipe for pickling cucumbers has many options, they are all alike, and only the amount of salt and fermentation time help regulate the taste and the degree of readiness. So, to get lightly salted cucumbers, you need to pour them with hot brine and put under pressure for two days, and then, rinse, pour boiled marinade and roll.



  1. Wipe the salt in the water.
  2. Pour the pickle cucumber and put under oppression for 2 days.
  3. Brine the brine, rinse cucumbers, fill with brine and roll.

Recipe for pickling cucumbers in a cold way

To pickle cucumbers in a cold way means to give preference to traditional cooking technology. It does not provide heat treatment, which allows you to store vitamins in vegetables and get a lot of useful substances that appear during fermentation. In addition, this is the simplest, affordable and not troublesome kind of workpiece.



  1. Dissolve the salt in cold water.
  2. Strain the brine through gauze directly into the cucumber.
  3. Salted traditional cucumbers for winter cover with capron cap and transfer to the cold.

Salted cucumbers in cans like cask

Salted cucumbers in cans, reminiscent of casks, are popular with housewives who live in the city and do not have cellars. Such cucumbers have excellent taste, crunchiness and are no worse than traditional pickles, and the ability to store not only in the cold, but also at room temperature, makes them a preform number one.



  1. Cucumbers and spices fill with cold brine and set aside for 3 days.
  2. Brine the brine and pour them cucumbers.
  3. Close the salted cucumbers for the winter with capron cap.

Pickled cucumbers for the winter without vinegar

Pickling cucumbers without vinegar is one of the most useful types of billets. You can choose any cooking recipe, but before that you need to ferment cucumbers. The fact is that with natural fermentation, natural acid forms in the brine, which not only changes the taste, but is also a natural preservative that perfectly preserves pickles.



  1. Spread the cucumbers and spices in a sterile jar.
  2. Pour salt, sugar and pour cold water.
  3. Leave the workpiece for 3 days.
  4. Brine the brine, pour the cucumbers, roll the jar.

Pickled cucumber with mustard

Cucumbers salted with mustard for the winter are approved by many housewives. This is due to the fact that the mustard not only gives cucumbers a density and crunch, but also, having antibacterial properties, prevents the process of fermentation and the occurrence of mold. In addition, it is an excellent preservative, so the workpiece can be stored even in the room.



  1. Cucumbers with seasonings and salt fill with steep boiling water.
  2. Leave the workpiece for three days.
  3. Boil the brine.
  4. Pour into a jar, add mustard and roll.

Pickled cucumbers with vodka

Pickling cucumbers with vodka is an effective way to store the crop, because alcohol is an excellent preservative that stops the fermentation processes and kills mold fungus, which helps to avoid "blasting" the billet. With its presence, the vegetables become dense and crunchy, and taste like cucumbers cooked in tubs.



  1. Cucumbers with spices fill with cold water and set aside for 3 days.
  2. Boil the resulting brine.
  3. Pour the cucumbers with a hot brine, add the vodka and roll it.

Cucumbers and tomatoes - assorted pickles

Pickling cucumbers with tomatoes is not an easy task. The fact is that many spices that enhance the taste of cucumbers do not fit tomatoes. The same applies to the amount of salt. For this option, you need to choose the golden mean: use the oak leaves, garlic and dill, add salt by prescription, and the root of the horse radish, spoiling tomatoes - is excluded.



  1. Put on the bottom of the bank of spices, cucumbers, on top - tomatoes.
  2. Dissolve in cold water salt.
  3. Fill the brine with brine and set aside for 6 days.
  4. Vegetables and spices wash, transfer into a clean jar.
  5. Brine the brine and pour them vegetables.
  6. Cover with a kapron cap and transfer into the cold.

How to salt cucumbers in a barrel?

Pickling cucumbers in a barrel is a traditional Russian way. Our ancestors used such technology of preparation for obtaining crispy, spice-flavored spices, cucumbers. For this, the prepared cucumbers put in a barrel, shifted with spices and poured with cold brine, allowed to wander for several days in the warmth and transferred to the cellar.



  1. Cucumbers soak in iced water for 3 hours.
  2. Divide the spices into parts.
  3. The first is to lay the bottom of the barrel.
  4. Put the cucumber.
  5. Strand the layers of cucumbers with spices.
  6. Dissolve the salt in the water and pour into the barrel.
  7. Insist salted barrel cucumbers for the winter for 3 days in the heat, then - transfer to the cellar.