Canned beans in tomato

Often it happens that by buying a can of canned beans in a tomato store, we remain disappointed because of its boiled consistency or, worse, unpleasant, foreign smell. Therefore, in order to avoid such unpleasant incidents, we suggest that you make this wonderful snack yourself.

Salad of canned beans in tomato with vegetables - a recipe, like a store



Not much large beans, we soak for about 12 hours in clean, cold water. Further, this water is drained, the beans are moved to a saucepan and poured cold water on it three fingers above the legumes. For 35 minutes, boil it over medium heat. After throwing the beans to a colander, to the glass remaining water in it.

Tomatoes are thoroughly washed, we fill them with boiling water that has just boiled, immediately remove from them a thin peel and carefully cut out the places from the pedicels. Peeled tomatoes are placed in a bowl of blender and whisked until mashed. We clean the onion from the peel, and pepper from the stems and seeds. We divide the vegetables into 4 parts and grind each of them into thin straws. Cleaned carrots rub through the largest grater. In a sauté pan with boiling oil fry until soft carrots immediately with onions and bell peppers. Then we enter tomato puree, add sugar, kitchen salt and let it all go off for 10-12 minutes. Now put the white beans in a sauté pan and, mixing it with the total mass, extinguish the salad for 40 minutes. 5-8 minutes before the preparation, we introduce table vinegar. We distribute a ready snack on sterile glass jars and roll them up to the stop with covers.

Canned tomato asparagus beans - recipe for winter



We clear all the onions and crush it like small cubes. In a large frying pan, we heat oil to the haze and put onions in it. When it becomes transparent, pour in prepared fresh tomato juice. Add tomato sweets sugar, for balance we add salt and stew our sauce 7-8 minutes.

The pods of fresh asparagus beans are carefully washed and cut into approximately the same length, not exceeding 5 centimeters. We move the beans into a pan with already boiling water and thus blanch it for 4 minutes. Then we throw it into a large colander and rinse it under running water. We spread the beans on roasted jars in the oven, and then pour it with tomato-onion sauce. Sterilize incomparably tasty asparagus beans for about 15 minutes, and then roll up all the containers with covers.