Hare Tilda

To work, you need a little patience and diligence. Before we begin to sew a toy, we will prepare everything necessary:

To start a little about the materials for sewing a rabbit Tilda. Cotton fabric must first be painted to give it a characteristic color. This is done with coffee or tea. The wire must be copper and in isolation. Its length is about 20 cm, at a cross section of 1.5 mm. The threads are taken in several shades: in the tone of the main fabric, under the color of the clothes, pink for the spout, and black for the peephole. Choose small buttons for clothes. If you are going to sew New Year's hares to Tilda, fleece will be an excellent material for sewing a warm sweater or New Year's cap.

How to sew a hare Tilda?

1. Print out a ready-made pattern of a tilde-rabbit doll on the printer. Pattern is transferred to the material. Make sure that the share thread runs along the edge.

2. For the ears we select two kinds of fabric. One will be the main one, and the second one will be secondary. Auxiliary tissue should be used in the sewing of clothing.

3. We spend it on the typewriter.

4. Cutting, we leave allowances about 4 mm.

5. Then we transfer the details of the body of the hare of Tilda to the fabric. Important point: in those places where the seams go "oblique", the fabric should be slightly stretched when stuck. This is done so that when filling the filler, the seams do not burst.

6. Bend the edges and lightly iron.

7. We fill with filler. Try not to stuff very tightly, otherwise everything will stick out and look rough.

8. The figure shows the level to which you should stuff the handles and legs.

9. Now insert the wire.

10. We connect the parts of the body and sew them together.

11. Here's what you should end up with:

12. Further we make and fasten the handles. We fix them with a pin and sew them with threads in tone.

13. We sew clothes for a hare of Tilda. First of all, we cut and sew panties.

14. We fasten the panties to the body and sew it with thread in the tone of the clothes.

15. Then we sew something like a skirt.

16. Attach it to the body and fix it.

17. Now we will put on a warmer hare Tilda, sewn with his own hands. From fleece we have a sweater.

18. We cut off the cap of a fleece or wool jersey.

19. We try everything on our hare, before fixing it with threads.

20. Now it's time to tackle the muzzle. With a simple pencil we put eyes and a nose, then we sew them with threads. Blush draw cheeks. The hare is ready!