Sign Language: Psychology

Psychology of gestures occupies an important place in the study of human psychology. There is a very large number of elements of sign language and their meanings. With the help of sign language you can learn about a person a lot of interesting things. Of course, it is impossible to consider the entire spectrum of colors of this science in one article, so today we will pay more attention to the language of gestures of men.

Body language and gestures of men

Of course, every woman at least once in her life was tormented by the question of how she liked the man he liked. Strong sex has a habit of carefully masking your emotions and feelings , so it is often very difficult to determine what a man has in his soul. Psychology will help you in this.

How to read sign language?

Men use much less gestures when talking than a woman, and this scientific fact will make your task much easier. Find the answer to this question, you can by studying the mimicry of a man, his behavior, gestures. Do not always trust the words of a man, but the body can tell much more.

Sign language can carry a certain message. If your interlocutor constantly looks into your eyes and turns your gaze to the lips, it shows that he is favorably disposed towards you and is set to talk.

Tactile sensations are also important. If at the handshake the man takes your palm with both hands, this means that he is glad to get acquainted with you and can open to you.

It is impossible not to mention the closed poses. You are not interested in your interlocutor if he puts his hands in his pockets, sits cross-legged, hides his hands.

You can also determine the interest of a man by these gestures:

  1. His gaze is open, he looks at your face, periodically looking below. The person is interested.
  2. A slightly open mouth, especially when he notices your sight, is also a positive sign.
  3. The interlocutor tries to attract your attention, straightens the sleeves or collar of his clothes, smooths his hair.
  4. He managed to evaluate your figure in the first minutes of his acquaintance. If now he carefully looks at you, it means that now you are a potential sexual object for him.
  5. The man draws in his belly, straightens his shoulders, tucks his thumb over the belt or cleans his hand in his pocket. If you notice such gestures, this indicates that the interlocutor is trying to win your attention.

Gait can also tell a lot. A jumping gait indicates a strong emotionality. And, on the contrary, if the speed of movement is the same, measured, then it indicates that the man is not particularly inclined to the manifestation of emotions.

If you go near, and the man puts his hand on your back or shoulder - he values ​​you and does not want you to leave him. From the side of etiquette this is not an indicator of excellent education , but this gesture indicates that you are interesting to a man. And if a man kindly put his jacket or jacket on you, when you are frozen, it means a lot. The interlocutor perceives you as his woman, whom he wants to protect and protect if necessary.

Sign language: message

And a little about the gestures that carry the information of a sexual nature:

  1. The man puts his legs wider than usual.
  2. A look runs through your body, stripping you.
  3. Slopes in your direction. If at the same time he is still adjusting his hair, then you are not indifferent to him.
  4. Sitting, he stretches his legs and guides you.
  5. Demonstrates his figure, plays with his muscles, straightens his shoulders.
  6. Often touches his throat with his hand.
  7. When excited, pupils have the property of expanding.
  8. When you appear, it straightens the case, you can also notice a general animation.
  9. When invading his intimate zone, he does not try to move away from you.

Considering all these moments, do not forget also that each person is special, so a specific person can easily deviate from the listed list.