Lucerne - useful properties and contraindications

You can not even imagine how many medicinal plants you can find just under your feet. One of the bright examples is alfalfa, which has useful properties, and there are contraindications. This herb belongs to the family of legumes. It is used for medicinal purposes in different countries of the world. Moreover, the spectrum of the impact of the medulla - this is one of the alternative names for alfalfa - is quite wide, and it can be used to combat absolutely different ailments.

Composition and medicinal properties of alfalfa grass

For the availability of all useful properties and contraindications to alfalfa, the beneficial substances that make up its composition are responsible. Among them:

Apparently, there are plenty of medicinal substances in the plant. And accordingly, and medicinal properties with contraindications in alfalfa do not hold. Grass renders:

Initially, the plant was used exclusively as a diuretic. Today, alfalfa is used to treat the organs of the gastrointestinal tract and thyroid gland. Medicines based on it also:

Physicians had to face even such cases when with the help of alfalfa patients managed to get rid of oncology.

Application of the plant for medicinal purposes

In the absence of warnings and contraindications, the therapeutic properties of alfalfa can be used as follows:

  1. Useful substances are contained in all parts of the plant. If you regularly add young shoots of a medunda to food - in a salad, for example - the work of the gastrointestinal tract will improve noticeably. This supplement is especially useful for patients suffering from stomach ulcers, regular heartburn , bouts of flatulence.
  2. Infusion of the tops is recommended to add to the bath. It will help to cope with hemorrhoids.
  3. The lotions with the decoction of the medulla can quickly cope with bleeding from the nose and promote the early healing of wounds.
  4. Fresh alfalfa juice treats colds. And he is considered an excellent preventive tool.
  5. We appreciated the herb and beauticians. They recommend using diluted juice or a decoction to eliminate swelling and inflammation. In addition, the agent can be used as a basis for a facial complexion mask.
  6. You can recover and strengthen immunity by eating bakery products from flour, which is prepared from the seeds of the plant.
  7. Tea with a medulla is very useful for nursing mothers - it increases the amount of milk produced.

Contraindications to the use of alfalfa are as follows:

  1. It is not recommended to use alfalfa in patients with autoimmune diseases .
  2. With caution to take the plant should be with stomach diseases.
  3. Completely abandon the funds will have to with individual intolerance of its composition.
  4. Children can not be given infants until three years of age.