Folk signs for harvest

A good harvest was a pledge of a full year and a happy measured life, so people were attentive to all the signs that could be harbingers of a good season. People's signs for harvest have survived in our time, and now they can also be used to obtain accurate information about the weather and soil fertility.

Signs of a good harvest

Consider the spring and summer signs for a good harvest. In fact, the signs are the patterns that our ancestors noticed, and who helped them predict important events. So, consider the popular signs:

  1. In August, a lot of acorns on oaks - there will be a good harvest.
  2. In April, there is dampness and pouring rain - there will be a lot of mushrooms, and if there is a thunderstorm - there will be a lot of nuts.
  3. Look closely at the puddles - if they are full of tadpoles, the year will be rich.
  4. If the snow melts under the rays of the sun in the spring, be harvested, and if the snow falls due to rain - the year promises to be hungry.
  5. If you notice the lightning in June, the harvest will please you.
  6. March is dry, April is rainy, May cold - wait for a good harvest.
  7. If in the spring the snow became prickly, then all the plants will actively bear fruit in the autumn.
  8. If hollow icicles - there will not be a crop.
  9. If on April 4 at sunrise you noticed red circles around the sun, this year fertility is ensured.
  10. If the seventh of April is good, clear weather, then a rich harvest is provided.
  11. If it rains on the seventh of April, wheat will be born.
  12. If in May it is cold - the harvest will be a year.
  13. How many rains there were in May, there will be a good harvest for so many years.
  14. If the storm rages early in the spring - the year will be difficult.
  15. If a lot of flying through in the woods - that year will be lean.
  16. If in March you will hear the thunder - the harvest will be excellent.
  17. March stands dry - the soil will be fertile.

In addition to spring and summer, winter signs for harvest are also popular. We will discuss them below.

Winter folk signs for harvest

Despite the fact that the winter is the first season after the canopy, when only the harvest was harvested, at that time people began to collect information about how they would live the next year. We offer you the popular folk signs for the harvest in winter:

  1. If the earth is frozen deep, the trees stand in frost, and snow has fallen very much - the year promises to be incredibly rich.
  2. Smooth as ice rink, ice on the river says that the bread will be poorly produced. But if the ice is frozen with the mounds, then in the autumn there will be a lot of wheat.
  3. There are frosts Sretensky, Christmas and Epiphany. If the latter turn out to be the most cruel in comparison with the others this year, the year will be rich for harvest.
  4. In January, look out the window: if the icicles are long and frequent, then the harvest will also be born, and if they are small, they are thin and rare - you can not wait for a rich gift from nature.
  5. If the window is a lot of large, thick, large icicles - the vegetables get very ugly.
  6. If the northern winds howl in February, the harvest will be good in autumn.
  7. If the snow falls on already frozen ground, then the harvest will be excellent, and if not frozen, then the bread may not be born.
  8. If on January 1 the weather is clear, the frost, then the bread will be excellent.
  9. Snowfall under the New Year - to an excellent harvest of all crops.
  10. If the winter is warm, there is not much snow - there will be no harvest.
  11. If the February 15 winds carry snow through the streets - a good harvest is guaranteed.

People's signs for harvest are the wisdom of our ancestors, which came down to us from grandmothers, folklore and ancient times. At that time people were attentive to the signs, and because of them they could even change their plans for what to land. The signs helped to make the household more efficient, and plantings - fertile.