Kvass from rye flour

Summer is a hot season, from which only refreshing illuminating drinks are saved. And why not cook them yourself at home? Of course, we mean invigorating and cold kvas from rye flour, but how to do it you will learn from our article.

The recipe for kvass from rye flour



To make homemade delicious kvass without yeast, rye flour is poured with boiling water and quickly mixed to prevent lumps. Next, throw sugar and, if desired, a little mint. The resulting mixture is cooled, add raisins washed in advance and rye bread. Cover the dishes with fine gauze and put them in a cool place for about 2 days. After the appearance on the surface of the foam, you can safely say, kvass from rye flour is ready for use! It remains only to strain the drink, pour on plastic bottles and use as directed.

Homemade kvass from rye flour


For starter:


Before making kvass from rye flour, it is necessary to prepare the leaven. After all, it is the guarantee of the success of a delicious refreshing drink. So, cut the bread in small cubes and dry them in a dry frying pan. We boil the water in a deep saucepan and poured into a clean liter jar. Throw dried dried rusks, sugar and stir. We cover the container with clean gauze and cool it to a temperature of 35 degrees. Next we introduce dry yeast, mix it and leave the leaven to wander, covered with a napkin.

From rye flour and filtered water mix the batter and lay out the ready-made leaven. We put the wort on fermentation for 3 days, and then we filter the drink through gauze and pour into bottles.

White kvass from rye flour



Rye flour brown for several minutes in a dry frying pan. Then pour it into a jar, pour a little water. Add sugar to the taste and mix everything thoroughly. The resulting mixture is put in a clean three-liter jar, add water, throw a little bit of fresh yeast, raisins and mix again. Leave the drink for about a day at rest, covering it with a plastic lid. The first kvass will not turn out to be particularly tasty, so carefully merge it, and add a new portion of fried flour, sugar and pour fresh water into the thick. We insist 2 days, filter and dispense homemade kvass in bottles.

Country kvass from rye flour



Rye bread cut into strips and browned in the oven. Flour brown a few minutes on dry frying pan. We pour the rusks into an enameled large saucepan and fill it with hot water. Leave the dishes for 2 hours, and then the bread infusion filter through the gauze in another container. Pour the yeast, diluted in a small amount of water, throw sugar, flour and stir everything with a wooden spoon. We put the mixture for a few hours to wander, until the appearance of foam. The root of horseradish is shredded on a small grater, we mix the gruel with honey and put it into a ready-made kvass base. Thoroughly mix everything, filter the drink, pour it on the cans and throw in each few leaves of fresh mint and raisins. We close the lids and send them to the refrigerator for 3 hours.