Mountain celandine

Juice celandine - an extremely useful substance. With its help, you can treat various dermatological diseases. Mountain celandine is a pharmacy balsam, which, in addition to fresh juice, includes such components as lance spear, golden rhododendron, gentian. These components only help to increase the effect of using celandine.

Application of balm Mountain celandine

The main purpose of the mountain celandine is the elimination of cosmetic defects of various origins. Assign funds for:

Some specialists with the help of the mountain celandine even treat cancer. All due to the fact that the plant poison contained in the juice of the plant, more effective than many drugs, destroys cancer cells. For the same reason, celandine can not be abused.

The use of mountain celandine against papillomas

Papillomas are small tumors on the skin that appear when the body is infected with the human papillomavirus. In the early stages, they do not pose health hazards. But over time, papillomas can grow in size, expand, sometimes they even form cancer cells. Lubricating neoplasms with a small amount of mountain celand twice a day for a week, any troubles can be avoided.

Mountain celandine from warts and polyps

Warts are very similar to papillomas. The main difference between these neoplasms - they are practically harmless, do not deliver completely no discomfort. But if you do not pay attention to this problem, warts will spread throughout the body. And already unpleasant outwardly, they will look even more repulsive.

Cure warts lotions with mountain celandine can be two to three days. No wonder the alternative name of this plant is a warthog. A huge plus of such removal of warts is that the procedure is completely painless.

Use the mountain celandine with a polyp should be neat. Especially if polyps are found on internal organs. In this case it is allowed to take the celandine inside, but such treatment should be strictly agreed with the specialist.

How to use Mountain celandine against nail fungus?

Baths with celandine - an ideal remedy against nail fungus . Make them better before bed. The procedure should not last more than a quarter of an hour. After it, the nails that have departed from the skin should be gently cut.