Pregnancy 27 weeks - fetal development

The third trimester of pregnancy begins with approximately 26-27 weeks of fetal life inside the womb. The baby already has all the main organs functioning, although they are far from perfect. Today we will talk about the development of the fetus at the 27th week of pregnancy and about what changes occur at this time in the body of a woman.


Since this week, the survival rate of the child in the case of premature delivery is 85%. Now the baby has a real viability, although full bearing will be completed only after 13 full weeks. At 27 weeks, the fetus is still rather thin and small, but it is already externally what it will be at birth. The total length is about 35 cm, weight - 0.9-1 kg. The crumb still has enough room for active action: it tumbles, swims, moves its legs and arms, training its strengthening limbs. Sometimes you can guess which part of the child's body rests against the mother in the stomach.

The child's eyes are able to react to light passing through the abdominal wall. Rhythmic music and mother's voice, the baby is also good at perceiving. The sucking reflex is well developed, it often sucks the fingers. Often a child hiccups, this occurs in the embryo at week 27 and on. The cause of hiccups is ingestion of the amniotic fluid. This contributes to the development of the lungs, because they are in a straightened state. Since 27 weeks, the development of the fetal brain is proceeding swiftly. Some experts are sure that at this stage the child already sees dreams. External respiration and nutrition are carried out as before through the placenta. Palpitation of the fetus on the 27th week is 140-150 strokes, while doing up to 40 breathing exercises per minute.


The uterus of a pregnant woman at the beginning of the third trimester rises above the navel by 5-7 cm. The center of gravity shifts, so you need to walk more carefully. In recent months, the level of cholesterol in the blood can grow, which is the norm. Cholesterol is necessary for the placenta to produce a number of hormones. Normal fetal development of 27-28 weeks is accompanied by an acceleration of metabolism in the expectant mother by approximately 20%. Because of this, a woman can sweat more, experience thirst or hunger more often than others. It's normal, to limit yourself to food and especially water consumption is not worth it. Try to shower more often, walk in the fresh air and sleep fully. If you are addicted to hypostases, give preference to diuretic morses and herbal teas.