Ampularia in the aquarium

Snails of the ampullaria were brought to Europe in the last century from South America. In nature, they live in stagnant water of ponds, swamps or in slow-flowing rivers. Shells of snails have a light or dark brown color, and especially popular are yellow individuals. When the danger arises, the snail is hidden in the sink, which is closed by a horn cap. Very good at the ampularia developed sense of smell, it instantly smells food and creeps to it surprisingly quickly. Let's find out if we need ampoules in the aquarium, and what is the use of them.

These snails are very unpretentious, so the content of ampullaria in a common aquarium together with other inhabitants is quite possible. However, we must remember that if there is a need to treat fish, then for this time the ampulyar must necessarily be deposited in another container, since drugs for fish can kill snails. Ampularia loosened the soil, cleaned the walls of the aquarium from unnecessary algae, eaten the food that was undernourished by the fishes.

Reproduction of ampullaria in the aquarium

If you want to get offspring from the snails, then it is better to keep 3-4 fish in the aquarium. Reproduction of an ampullarium in an aquarium takes place in the air. The female crawls out over the surface of the water and chooses a place for the future laying of eggs. Small soft eggs are glued to the lid of the aquarium. The female shifts the eggs in a dense heap and after a day the clutch becomes firm. It should be ensured that the masonry is not close to the lighting lamps: from excessive heat, eggs can dry up and die. After about 2-4 weeks, caviar will ripen, and small snails will hatch out of it.

Why ampullarians die in the aquarium?

The shells of newly hatched ampullaria are very soft, so the fish in the aquarium eat these small snails. To save them, you need to install a grid in the aquarium, on which the mollusks will fall after hatching. Grow snails should also be in a separate container. After they get stronger and grow up, the ampullar can be planted in a common aquarium.

To ruin ampullaria can from lack of food with too much of their accumulation in the aquarium. Therefore, it is necessary to regulate the number of snails in the tank.

In addition, the snail and strive to crawl out of the aquarium, but being outside its habitual habitat, the ampullaria can die. To prevent this from happening, we must cover the glass house with a lid.

To answer the question: how many ampullaria live in the aquarium, you need to know what the temperature of the water in the tank. At a water temperature of 23-25 ​​° C, snails can live up to three years. At a lower temperature, the ampulla can live up to four years with proper care.