Thiosulphate sodium - cleansing the body

Sodium thiosulfate is a drug of antihistamine and detoxification action. In medicine it is used in the treatment of poisonings with arsenic, mercury, lead, bromine salts, iodine, hydrocyanic acid, and in addition as an antiallergic, antiscabic agent. In addition, the drug has a laxative and diuretic effect.

The use of sodium thiosulfate for the purification of the body

This substance is able to bind toxins, converting them into harmless compounds for the body. The laxative effect of the drug promotes faster removal of these compounds from the body. Often, sodium thiosulfate is used without medical purpose, for self-purification of the body of toxins and toxins.

Instructions for the use of sodium thiosulfate for the purification of the body

The drug is available in the form of powder for external use and in the form of ampoules with 30% solution, for intravenous injection. If necessary, the same solution can be taken orally, diluted in a small amount of water.

In acute poisoning, to purify the body of toxins, sodium thiosulfate is administered intravenously. Dosage is determined individually and, depending on the characteristics of the patient and the severity of the symptoms, can range from 5 to 50 ml of the drug. Intravenously the drug is administered and with acute allergic reactions .

Orally, sodium thiosulfate takes 2-3 g of a 10% solution (obtained from the solution for injection when diluted with water). The most relevant is this method in case the poisoning is received recently and by getting a toxic substance into the stomach.

How to drink sodium thiosulfate for body cleansing?

In addition to disposable or short receptions, with obvious medical indications, it is possible to take the drug courses.

Sodium thiosulfate is taken orally 1 ampoule for 10 days. Drink sodium thiosulfate at night, 2-3 hours after eating. This time of reception is associated with the laxative effect of the drug, which most clearly manifests itself after 6-8 hours.

Ampoule of sodium thiosulfate is diluted in water. The minimum dilution ratio is 1: 3, but it is best to dilute 1 ampoule per half a cup of water. The solution has a bitter-salty, unpleasant taste and a specific soapy odor, so it is recommended to seize a slice of lemon or other citrus.

When carrying out a course of body cleansing, it is recommended to limit the use of meat and dairy products, carbonated and alcoholic beverages, and drink more liquid, especially citrus juice.

This method of cleansing the body with sodium thiosulfate is prophylactic and is aimed at improving the general condition.

Side effects and contraindications

The most common side effect when taking sodium thiosulfate is nausea (observed when taken orally). In the case of treatment of acute poisoning, vomiting in this case is a positive effect, in other cases the solution is recommended to seize or to drink.

Despite the fact that sodium thiosulfate is used as a remedy for allergies, cases of individual intolerance are possible. This drug is not used in pregnancy and lactation, due to the lack of accurate data on its effect on fetal development.

Since sodium thiosulfate is a sufficiently potent medical device, preventive cleansing of the body with its help without medical prescription is contraindicated to persons: