Atopic dermatitis in dogs

If you are planning to have a pet, you probably already know how to choose a dog , and it is your duty to fully study all the characteristics of the breed and care for it. The fact is that atopic dermatitis in dogs occurs quite often and it is just the negligence of the owners or the frivolity of their relationship to this diagnosis can lead to unfortunate consequences.

Symptoms of atopic dermatitis in dogs

To begin with, the symptomatology is quite diverse and it is not always easy to diagnose it. Independently you will not be able to do anything, because the list of signs is great and you can analyze the picture by the vet.

Conditionally, it is possible to divide all the characteristics into basic and additional ones. To diagnose reliably, the pet should show at least five to six symptoms from these lists.

The list of main features:

Among the additional symptoms, the body reaction to the allergen is lightning fast, there is external allergic otitis , the analysis showed the presence of external staphylococcal infection.

How to cure dermatitis in a dog?

As soon as the first signs are found, it is urgent for the veterinarian, since it is impossible to pull the dog with atopic dermatitis. Your task is to tell the expert in detail all the information he needs, followed by urine and feces, skin scrapes and blood, necessarily crops for fungi and bacteria. The purpose of treating atopic dermatitis in a dog will depend on the results of the tests. The main task is to identify the allergen and protect the animal from it.

To combat itching itself, an ointment for dogs is usually prescribed for dermatitis. The choice of the type of ointment for dogs from dermatitis is made by a specialist on the basis of tests and crops: it can be healing, soothing itching or directed at fighting infection, if it is part of antifungal and antibacterial therapy. An important component in the fight against atopic dermatitis in dogs is immunotherapy.