Neuralgia of the occipital nerve

Headache is a rather common feeling for most adults. Sometimes the causes of its occurrence remain unknown, but, more often than not, headache is one of the symptoms of the disease. Sometimes the cause of acute pulsating pain in the nape may become irritating effect on the occipital nerve.

Causes of neuralgia

The causes of neuralgia of the occipital nerve are quite diverse. In cases when the disease occurs spontaneously, without obvious apparent causes - in this case, a diagnosis of primary neuralgia is made. The emergence of primary neuralgia of the occipital nerve can cause:

Neuralgia of the occipital nerve of the secondary type develops against the background of the presence of any disease affecting the head or neck. It:

In addition, chronic and systemic diseases can provoke the onset of this type of neuralgia. For example:

Symptoms of neuralgia of the occipital nerve

As already mentioned, the main symptom is pain. It can be bright, pulsating, sharp. With neuralgia of the great occipital nerve, pain affects the occiput and parietal region. Irritation of roots with neuralgia of the small occipital nerve projects pain sensations on the neck, at the sides of the nape and near the ears. Sometimes the pain can be so strong that it causes nausea and vomiting. The skin in the neck and neck, during the period of nerve inflammation, becomes very sensitive even to simple touches. Sometimes in the painful area there is numbness of the skin or vice versa, the appearance of "goose bumps".

Treatment of neuralgia of the occipital nerve

Treatment of trigeminal neuralgia begins with the elimination of pain syndrome. For this, warming up the neck and collar zone, the use of warming ointments are recommended. As a drug treatment are used:

1. Anti-inflammatory analgesics:

2. Muscle relaxants:

For additional relaxation of muscles, therapeutic massage is prescribed.

With unbearable pain, the blockade method with the introduction of steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs is often used:

In cases where treatment does not have the desired effect or the incidence of neuralgia increases, surgical methods are connected. There are two ways of surgical intervention:

  1. Elimination of compression of nerves with the help of microsurgical techniques.
  2. Neuro-stimulation (effect, directly on the nerve, using a current of a certain strength and frequency).

Auxiliary treatment

Together with traditional treatment, folk remedies for neuralgia of the occipital nerve will help to accelerate recovery and reduce the risk of re-inflammation. In case of neuralgia, it is recommended:

  1. Use boiled egg or burnt buckwheat for warming up the inflamed place.
  2. Apply pork fat, mixed with a decoction of lilac buds. Fat is rubbed before the onset of improvement.
  3. Take a bath with herbal decoction (thyme, mint or oregano), which also helps to reduce painful sensations.
  4. Drink infusion of willow bark. A glass of boiling water takes 10 g of dry crushed bark and simmer for 20 minutes on low heat. Taking this remedy on a tablespoon three times a day before meals, you can get rid of neuralgic pain.